Final Fantasy VII: Remake - Traces of Two Pasts Review

Cold Cobra

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AUKN Staff
Traces of Two Pasts does exactly what it says on the tin (or book cover I guess) and gives us a look into the backstory of Tifa and Aerith, plus a bonus story at the end, all written by FFVII scenario writer himself (amongst so many other things!) Kazushige Nojima. Is it really juicy information that will have a big effect on the up-coming FFVII: Rebirth game? No, not at all, but that doesn’t mean it can't still be a good read.

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Except the devs said that “many elements from Traces of Two Pasts will form the backbone for the rest of the parts of the Remake series.” You can bet one of these elements will have a lot to do with Cloud’s past and what happens in the Lifestream event.
I imagine at the very least Rebirth's depiction of the Nibelheim incident will feature characters / moments mentioned in the novel, if only through items and off-hand remarks, same goes with flashbacks to Tifa and Cloud as kids, as you said. Plus some of the framing devices actually take place during what Rebirth will cover, but overall though anything important will be framed like it was made for the game rather than adapted from the book is more what I meant. After finishing it had no feeling that those who didn't read it will be missing out going straight from Remake to Rebirth.