The movie was not crap, it was amazingly well done, i mean if they wanted to have a full blown movie with an amazing story line, they wouldn't put so much detail into the CGI, when a full blown movie like that, with the S-E sticker on it comes along, it is going to cost millions.
So for now they are just showing off the animation quality, and when other companies follow, they too will try and get amazing quality CGI, and they too will probably show off the animation and graphics, then the prices will go down to create these masterpieces, and so will begin the 3D animation revolution (yeah right) and more and more companies will start it and actually have story lines and can CGI it just as well as FF:AC, but have the story line too. So plz lay off the poor ppl lol, they have created something amazing and who are we, people who couldn't even begin to make this stuff, to complain about its storyline (or lack of).
Thank you, lol :shock:
EDIT: Oh and also, if ppl keep slagging it off the whole time, its hardly going to make them want to make more is it, and that would be a very big shame. I would quite like to see a 26 (or 13 ep) series fully CGI'd, someday, maybe in a decade or maybe less, if that would ever happen