

Completely Average High School Student
I'm not particularly new to anime or anything, but all I seem to watch are series, and I recently started doing some work about female representation in anime film.
So could anyone recomend some decent films, would be great if I got some targeted at males, and some targeted at females, so I could compare them.

Plus, it's a chance to watch more anime. 8)
I counter with the Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) movie, which is so unashamedly girly that only one of my male friends actually managed to sit through it all. It's also wonderful. But rather artsy, so don't worry too much about how much sense it appears to make.

There's a series too but the movie is an alternate retelling using the same framework rather than a sidestory or faithful remake and can be enjoyed on its own. If you like weird movies.

The TV series is out of print but the movie is still buyable in R1 from sites like Axelmusic.

Well, my personal favourite anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion deals with the female in a great, exceptionally deep way. And it's from a male perspective. Evangelion deals with the female in a very deep, almost visceral way and concentrates on things like sexuality and motherhood.
Was the SKU film called "The Adolescence of Utena" by any chance??

GitS is a great movie, but I was looking for films that would be less well known.

I have to admit, I have never seen the Evangelion films, or even the series.
Do the movies follow on from the series, rather than exist in an alternate world?
Archer112 said:
I have to admit, I have never seen the Evangelion films, or even the series.
Do the movies follow on from the series, rather than exist in an alternate world?
Alternate endings to teh series the eva movies are. Seen the series you must have to make sense of them. Stand alone they are not. (Don't ask why I'm typing like Yoda, just drunk) Also How female it is (or almost every other aspect) is a matter of personal opinion. Didn't feel it was myself, but didn't think as highly of the whole thing as others do.
Ask for others... can think of many "male" movies, several "assexual", but not alot of female ones (being male and all)
Ninja Scroll
Tenchi Movies
Armitage 3
Blood Last Vampire

Patlabour Movies
Perfect Blue
Ghibli Movies
Interstllar 555

hopeful_monster said:
Also How female it is (or almost every other aspect) is a matter of personal opinion. Didn't feel it was myself, but didn't think as highly of the whole thing as others do.
Ask for others... can think of many "male" movies, several "assexual", but not alot of female ones (being male and all)

How could you not see the emphasis on the female in Evangelion? Shinji's mother, Asuka, Rei and Misato are all hugely developed female characters.
CitizenGeek said:
hopeful_monster said:
Also How female it is (or almost every other aspect) is a matter of personal opinion. Didn't feel it was myself, but didn't think as highly of the whole thing as others do.
Ask for others... can think of many "male" movies, several "assexual", but not alot of female ones (being male and all)

How could you not see the emphasis on the female in Evangelion? Shinji's mother, Asuka, Rei and Misato are all hugely developed female characters.

But couldn't the same be said for the male characters?

EDIT: I should really read over what i post from now on
CitizenGeek said:
How could you not see the emphasis on the female in Evangelion? Shinji's mother, Asuka, Rei and Misato are all hugely developed female characters.
While I'll agree that there are some well developed female characters, their importance (as women) was not as great as other aspects of the show (such as the father/son) and as previously stated much of that franchise is strongly influenced by personal opinion. Also it has been several years since I've watched them (been sticking more to the series when i've rewatched eva).
PS few more
Wings of Honneamise
Cowboy Bebop (as part of series or by self)
Slayers Movies
Representation doesn't really mean how well developed a character is, more like, how the character is portrayed in relationship to a stereotype.
Kinda' how you expect a character with a ahoge to be carefree, or the main girl in a harem anime to practicaly be a slave.

Also, is the film, 'Perfect Blue' any good?
Yeah Perfect Blue is a good film. I really liked it - quite strange to be honest, its not like any other horror film I've ever seen but it's good.

Random fact: In the Perfect Blue dub, Mima's band's songs have been dubbed into English. However, theres a scene mid way through of a stereo in a lift, and the song being played is one of her band's songs - but it's still in Japanese. Found that interesting.

For me, series i'd suggest as being heavily female orientated (character wise) are My-HiME and the movie Kiki's Delivery Service.

Kiki's Delivery Service deals with a girl coming of age and moving away from her family, establishing a new life for herself and becoming as self sufficient as she can, so it's interesting from that perspective.

My-HiME on the other hand has almost entirely female principal characters, all of whom have some form of struggle or difficulty which is revealed over the course of the series. These things range from having to look after family to unrequited loves, potentially mental instability etc. It's a good series though - one of my favourites, I'd definitely recommend it.
Yes, SKU movie is called Adolesence of Utena too (or Adolesence Mokushiroku).

Perfect Blue is a particularly excellent suggestion, it's very "asexual" in the way the story comes across but the issues it deals with are definitely linked with women and what others expect of them.

Tokyo Godfathers, despite the name, also touches on some very feminine issues. It's directed by the same person as Perfect Blue and worth a look. It goes at things from some unusual angles but there should be some good material in there for what you want.

Whilst I'm plugging Kon movies, Millennium Actress is another which has a female main character who felt very real. Her experiences and emotions - often left up to the viewer to interpret - are the threads which tie the whole film together.

A lot of the really good "girly" ones are confined to manga only; fortunately the "manly" and "asexual" styles do a pretty good job :)

All of Satoshi Kon's are great. not really aimed at male/ female audiences IMO.

5cm per second , Kiki's delivery service , the girl who leapt through time are more girly.

male stuff have been pointed out already =)
Masamune shirow's appleseed & ghost in the shell, ninja scroll, etc, etc, etc...
Other full length anime films I would recommend where they work on their own (i.e. no series or not necessary to watch it):

Akira (need to be seen really, seminal work)
Blood: The Last Vampire
Perfect Blue
Millenium Actress
Kiki's Delivery Service
Howl's Moving Castle

I enjoyed of all these, so you have a few double/triple recommnedations now! Kite is not recommended for the squeamish.
sonia_leong said:
Other full length anime films I would recommend where they work on their own (i.e. no series or not necessary to watch it):

Akira (need to be seen really, seminal work)
Blood: The Last Vampire
Perfect Blue
Millenium Actress
Kiki's Delivery Service
Howl's Moving Castle

I enjoyed of all these, so you have a few double/triple recommnedations now! Kite is not recommended for the squeamish.
That's a very nice list you've got there. I'd like to add appleseed and princess mononoke to it. ROD is an OVA, not a movie but it also work really well even without a supporting series.