Filler Episode should be banned


Filler Episode

In my personal view, I think it is waste serious time. What is a point creating to the filler episode? I am blame to the company. I believe it should ban because it need nice flow through the storyline. It will increase people watch it. I think if the anime show removes to filler episode, the anime show will brilliant. It will give them time to focus on graphic, voice and etc. I am understood the writing not finish story and everyone is wait for long time take time create anime for them. But not need fake story, it will make everyone is confused. Example if Naruto is finish on 135 episodes, it should finish and should wait until Naruto Shippuden. People will say it is very good? Other example If Bleach is finish on 63 episodes after goes rapid downhill. Why? Because they did a create fillers story arc. I think voice people should break because they did too much work. It is little same as Quality VS Quantity. I am chosen Quality anime

Massive Filler episode is
One Piece
Other (If you know what other show have filler episode then please put it on forum)

I not sure about First FMA is filler because they did create start story same as manga but when after about 20 episode they are create their storyline. I think they should wait when manga is finish after they can create on anime.

Which you choose Quality VS Quantity Anime ?
Of course I would choose quality anime over quantity. However there are reasons for the companies who produce long running shows to create filler as I believe it is very difficult and costly to get a show on air and once it is taken off it is extremely difficult to get it back on. So for a company say Pierrot producing naruto if they take it off air to wait for the manga to get further ahead say a year's worth of material that is a year where they create nothing and thus receive no income and also it will be difficult to get the show back on air. But on the other hand they create filler sure it will piss some people off but the companies will now be able to gain revenue from those episodes and continue to keep the timeslot which the show currently holds. That's my opinion on the subject.
That's not how it works.

They don't care about quality. They don't care about quantity either.

They care about money.

Shows like Bleach, Naruto and One Piece are watched by kids who tune in at the same time every week. Those same kids also read Shonen Jump, so filler episodes that don't follow the plot of the manga actually get higher ratings.
I don't think filler episodes and "quality" anime are mutually exclusive since you can experience terrible anime that are short. You can still have fun filler episodes from time to time too. For example, I rather enjoyed the Dragon Island arc in One Piece.
Some filler can be good (the filler episodes of Slayers are often hilarious and better than the sensible ones!) but some of the long running shounen series in particular do seem to get stuck repeating some absolutely terrible rubbish.

I prefer it when a show takes some time out and comes back stronger when it has something new for the audience, but I can see how the sponsors might pressure them to keep the momentum going. The third option is of course to make filler which is actually good instead of long arcs of silly shenanigans that nobody enjoys; it's a shame that it seems so difficult to do this. When there's a good filler episode, I see it like a very high budget fanfiction story and don't mind it at all :D

How filler episode are help get sponsors and money if filler episode is failed. Manga is support to anime ? It seem risk lose money spend on anime for filler episode. I am admit some filler is decent but not need create it. When if they stop make filler episode. It can make really want audience look forward watch that anime show. It give some trailer or advert. Example i must wait FMA Brotherhood part 5 on summer and really look forward it and get it on September. i am love it and it is worth watch. If you know what i mean

I just give my feeling and views.
For a lot of shows there's so much merchandise and cross promotion going on that to disappear from being at the front of the public's awareness for what could be a year or more might completely disrupt the series' momentum. Some shows with dedicated fanbases can certainly survive it, but there's definitely a feeling that once you've earned a good spot on the airwaves, if you can somehow keep it going then you should try to. Even if it leads to the Curry of Life.

i know what you mean i watched the ending fillers of naruto and they pissed me off. i wouldn't of mind if they made fillers between each ark but the ending fillers was so freaking long.

some fillers can be good *some* but it depends what fillers you like from a series. gits is a good e.g. you could just buy the films individual 11 and laughing man but i really like the series even tho some of the episodes got nothing to do with the main story there enjoyable to watch
I self ban them by not watching them. Yes, maybe there are some fun ones there. No, it is not the best percentage choice to watch them "just in case".