FFVII: Advent Children Complete Trailer


Didn't even know this existed before reading about it on UK Anime Net just now.

It's basically just a re-release with all the footage that wasn't included first time around included. Deleted scenes won't save what was a poor film but I'm sure fans of FFVII who are blinded by fanboyism will cry tears of joy at the news.

It's supposedly going to be a Blu-ray only release. The "Complete" in the title means complete visually (HD) as well as complete in terms of added scenes. Since I already own the R1 LE set, which I got mainly for Last Order, I'm not going to buy it anyway, so the news I'll only be able to watch it the pirate way means nothing to me.

Going on the trailer, there might be some scenes of interest added - I caught a glimpse of Zack trying to save Cloud during the truck sequence in the trailer. It's not going to blow away fans who by now have played FFVII, watched Last Order and played Crisis Core but it'll be nice to see the scene once again.


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I won't be re-buying advent children in any form but I have to say that when I watched FF:AC, nostalgia goggles equipped, I liked it.
I want to know whether it will come with Last Order. I stupidly bought the original DVD and was too spiteful to upgrade to the LE when a blu-ray seemed likely. But if the blu-ray isn't really "complete" either...argh.

The news report on UK Anime Net did mention a 20 minute animation that takes place after the film being included. Unless another FFVII OVA has been created, it's most likely Last Order.
...I'm tempted to buy it for the FFXIII demo. And when I'm bored with the demo, just put it back in there and sell it on ebay to weeabos and put a couple of 'desu' on it. I'm sure someone will buy it at double the price.

...Or if they selling the demo seprately at a cheaper price, then I go for that. I absolutely hated Advent Children and did a review on that, pointing out what's so wrong with it. It's absolute garbage as far as I'm concerned.
I hope it does get released in the UK, because I don't like buying other formats. If it does get a release, then there's no question that I will be buying it :]
Aion said:
I'm sure fans of FFVII who are blinded by fanboyism will cry tears of joy at the news.

Did you call??? =D I'm one of those who hopes it gets released here with Last Order. Then, i'll be picking that up.