Favorite adverts

I like the Bud ads, I mean the US ones they are so much better than we get. Check out the Budweiser site as they are all there. The 8 special Superbowl ones are on Youtube and they are hillarious
McIcy said:
I like the Bud ads, I mean the US ones they are so much better than we get. Check out the Budweiser site as they are all there. The 8 special Superbowl ones are on Youtube and they are hillarious

Love the Bud ads, especially the rubber floor one, where the dog bounces clear outta the house at the end

+ I've always figured US ones are better in general
Favourite adverts, favourite adverts...

I like the Eye Care one, Tesco ones, the one with the guy who says / shouts "Bang! And the dirt is gone!" ones. I like 90% of adverts. I record them. ;-)
pomtry said:
I like the lynx adverts where just a couple of sprays and a hord of women will come floking over you. (Ye right)
I think the most recent one is really funny, all the ladies thundering across the land, taking to the sea and knocking each other down to get to that one guy.
But i hate the line 'spray more, get more'; no, more like 'spray more, kill the Ozone and yourself in the process'

Edit: Darn you lmc87 and your club biscuit advert, i can't get that song out my head now