nebular said:
Spyro201 said:
Lets face it, anime is far from popular in the UK.
I dis-agree with you there - I think it's getting more and more popular all the time. and have massive anime sections - they never used to.
Its still not popular though. Not in comparison to most other things on the market. Heck id say ******* musicals are more popular. Thats saying alot.
Spyro201 said:
Its not that post counts ALWAYS MATTER. But you have 5, no one here knows you, and you've not posted in any other section of the forum. You've not posted in the community section, the introduction section, or the Anime/Manga section. You've just turned up and started going "I KNOW WHATS BEST LETS DO THIS".
Where did I say that? I've been very courteous and polite (despite your slightly frosty welcome!)

I thought it was an innocent enough suggestion - if I have broken the rules or offended you (or anyone else), then I apologise, for that was not my intention.[/quote]
What you've done is you've come on the forum, not introduced yourself, not told us anything about yourself and told us all that we should be using faebook to promote the site because we will get infinite benefits from it. Yeah I've given you a frosty welcome, but thats cause I dont like what your doing. If someone I didnt know came up to me telling me to change something about my area/home/room/etc. because I would gain infinite benefits, I'd tell them to **** off. If that person introduced themself to me, I got to know them, find out about them, then suggested it, I'd listen to what they said.
Spyro201 said:
Also @BlackWolf: You said it yourself, you dont use facebook. I dont know that many people here that do. We have our own communities in our own areas. In Forums, and MAL.
Just because YOU don't want it, doesn't mean it's wrong for someone else to suggest it for discussion. I'm grateful that you have expressed your opinion on the matter but I don't understand why you are so defensive :?[/quote]
That was directed at BlackWolf, not you. I'm not being defensive, I'm being offensive.
Spyro201 said:
Also there is the RSS feed. No need for a Facebook group at all.
Like I said before, there are a lot of ways in which a FB presence can enrich a website - but if you don't use Facebook then I don't expect you to know about them. Suffice to say, it could be more than just news updates.[/quote]
I have a facebook account but dont use it.
Or perhaps people with unusual names don't want just anyone to be able to Google them and read everything they've ever written online since they were 12, a lot of which they now realise was immature rubbish which they no longer subscribe to. Just one man with an odd surname's take on the matter
I also back this entirely. I have an unusual name and dont want people reading everything I've written. I admit, I said some stuff on another forum I shouldnt have, and looking back it was stupid and immature to say.