Experimental Anime in Newcastle

Genkina Hito

Newcastle’s Star and Shadow cinema is hosting a festival of Japanese films in January and there will be two experimental anime screened on two occasions.

zipangu fest by Mercury Rex, on Flickr

Tuesday, 17th of January 19:30
<a href="http://www.starandshadow.org.uk/on/film/875">
Enter the Cosmos: Takashi Makino</a> - a trio of short films by the experimental Japanese film-maker/animator Takashi Makino. This was recently seen at the ICA last year but the New Castle event will also include an introduction by Julian Ross of the university of Leeds who is a specialist in independent Japanese cinema.

Friday, 27th of January 19.30

<a href="http://www.starandshadow.org.uk/on/film/874">Beyond Anime: The Outer Limits</a> – this is a 90-minute programme of seventeen short animations made between 2002 and 2011.

There are a lot of other great films on offer so why not check out the <a href="http://www.starandshadow.org.uk/on/season/116">site</a> for more details.

<a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.co.uk/news/2012-01-04/experimental-anime-screenings-in-newcastle">Source</a>