Everyone give this man a BIG hand!

That Man

Student Council President
Read about this in paper today and all I have to say is this guy deserves a medal or at the very least a pint from everyone. Patience of a saint doesn't even come close, I know I couldn't put up with that chav for more than 2 secs and he does it for more than 2mins! And then gives him what he had been asking for and deserved. I hope everyone cheers on this guy whenever they see him out and about and laughs at the stupid chav its what they each deserve.
Link to uncut vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg0ov1LUdOU
This makes me sad... i can't even watch shows like booze britian and those other british real crime shows, it just turns my stomach.

But yes, that guy deserves a medal.
trouble is, beardy gets in the nick, while the skinhead scum gets away with it!

i hate the system :evil: , otherwise i would kick all their asses :twisted:
Mutsumi said:
That chav will probably get revenge later. Should never have allowed the chav to get back up.
Alas, that is true. However, I doubt much can top the feeling of inner elation the owner of the household must have felt after the miscreant ceased his belligerence.
Praise the guy. One-shot on a mouthy piece of- Shame about the messed up consequences though.
If I was the chav, I'd at least give the respect of having a good scrap and then admit defeat afterwards... Thank gawd I aint a chav!
ugh what an idiot! watching things like this really annoy me! and all the other chavs cheering him on in the background, grrr >: was good to see get a good smack on the mouth, he deserved it!
It's funny that the guys with the big egos show off and then get a reality check. This chav aint the 1st, as this old failblog vid will show ya... And it wont be the last, I guarentee.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JGaYovY2oGg&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JGaYovY2oGg&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The quiet ones... DONT MESS WITH 'EM! XD
I've seen that a long time ago.
Seriously, how much abuse do you take before taking some action? I wouldn't have had half the patience that guy had.

Lad gets dropped.


Funny thing is it was probably filmed in my area.

Oh lol, just checked the source and lmfao it was as well.
Wow there is some justice, it would seem that the chav in the video is having a hard time of it since news of the video and story came out in the Sun and is now getting recognised in the streets. Seems he doesn't like this and is all upset and has decided to try and sue the Sun for exposing him for the prat he is. Poor poor guy must be hard to have people having digs at him and laughing at him and maybe picking on him. Shame he doesn't seem to realise he is responsible for doing exactly the same and has surely done worse to people. :lol: His response is just very very laughable I hope he gets plenty more hassle as i'm sure he deserves it. Karma its a bitch.
Interesting. So The Sun wasn't on the Chav's side? I think that's a mistake... they'll see sales decline. When I think "Average Sun Reader" that Chav is pretty much the image I get.
Ayase, the Sun doesn't have readers, it has viewers. There are only two reasons they buy the Sun; lefty & righty. People who buy the Sun have long forgotten how to read, they just want the tits.

Daily Mail buyers on the other hand don't even get tits, thats why they are so angry.