Ever changed your mind about a show after a re-watch?

Giving this a bump as I've started re-watching Casshern Sins...

The first time I saw it, I thought , "Wow, great artwork, dark and moody, stylish, slow, measured storytelling..."

This time, it is so crap! Not a single episode has gone by without putting me to sleep. It is slow, it is measured, but it is dull, filled with stupid characters, and a story that goes nowhere. What a waste, and I'm no longer missing the second Blu-ray collection.
I'm not the type of person to rip apart things I loved as a kid especially since I've long since come to terms with the fact that no show has the same luster during second viewings. If I do re watch old shows I do it in short bursts and pick specific episodes rather than trying to foolishly marathon it. I do notice flaws in older work but I typically don't let it ruin my enjoyment. It helps that these days I have a lot more insight to how animation works as well as the voice acting so it allows me to appreciate the shows from a more technical perspective than I would of had growing up.

As for the original question I think the Digimon series is probably one that has aged worse than others. I can still watch it from time to time for nostalgia but I'm amazed that I never got tired of the repetitive digivolving sequences in each episode and the animation got kind of cheap at times. The movie however is still fun to watch. I get that it was a butchered version of the Japanese films but I originally saw it in theatres and the nostalgia still gives me chills. Plus it helps that the animation is still beautiful.