Ever changed your mind about a show after a re-watch?

Just Passing Through

The Wildcard
I sometimes want to review a show or a movie twice, as the second time my opinion of it completely changes.

One thing I find common in a lot of comedy shows is that the funny drains once your become familiar with it. With Excel Saga particularly, and also Pani Poni Dash, I found them around 80% less funny the second time around.

I recently re-watched Sengoku Basara. The first time I watched it, I thought is my kind of crazy, nuts, over the top action. The second time, I actually slept through half of the show.

Right now, I'm rewatching Vampire Knight, and Vampire knight Guilty, and the first time I thought it was a passable story, entertaining enough if too much style over substance. This time I'm finding it such unbearable Twilight emo bishi-vampire crap, that I'm tempted to flush the discs.

On the other side of the coin, I could barely tolerate Lunar Legend Tsukihime the first time I watched, and found it cold and impersonal, but every time I've rewatced it since, it just gets better and better, and it's one of my favourite vampire shows now.

Do you have any re-watch re-evaluations?
Yes, all the time. although, my favourite shows still get get high rates all the time.

I find it particularly funny to revisit shows I liked after a long time, such as 5 / 10 years later. I'm due to re-watch GitS and Eva again....

It is particularly painful to re-watch films and shows from my childhood though, I've tried to re-watch the A Team and it was really painful. On the other hand, I've rewatched McGyver and it was still awesome (albeit, a little dated now).
I rarely change my mind. The one example I can think of which closely mirrors your experiences is with the newest Star Trek movie. I watched it in the cinema and was so relieved that it wasn't as much of a travesty as I'd expected that I enjoyed it. Two rewatches later during family gatherings and I realised that if I went in without that initial sense of dread it actually rather annoyed me and I'm not going to see the sequel ^^;

When it comes to anime, there are a few examples of the opposite having happened. I originally dropped Vision of Escaflowne because the first couple of episodes (which I'd bought on Japanese VHS...) were boring and the characters didn't grab me. I forced myself to try again a few years later, this time perservering long enough to meet some more interesting characters, and came away enjoying the show. It's not a favourite, though.

I'm sure there was one other series I managed to rescue my initial dislike of via a rewatch. Usually my initial impression sticks forever.

I rarely re-watch shows, especially those I wasn't keen on first time around, so this doesn't happen often. I did re-watch the Record of Lodoss War OVA a couple of years ago, and while I can't claim to have not enjoyed it, I did wonder how I ever regarded it so highly. The animation is mostly awful (though the art was as nice as I remembered it), the plot rather thin, and the characters not very interesting.

I was bored stiff by Akira when I first watched it in my mid-teens, but after a re-watch there was born a love that endures to this day.
Back in the VHS days, I was much more inclined to rewatch things than I am now... Probably it's just due to the vastly increased amount of anime that's readily available in English. The only one that really sticks out in my mind for this though is Secret of Mamo. I couldn't get into it at all on the first watch, having gone in fully expecting another Castle of Cagliostro. The second time I saw it, after I got used to the idea that not all Lupin films follow the Miyazaki model, I could see better everything it has to offer and I'd now consider it a very good film (if not necessarily a great one).
yeah like after i watched TTGL i thought it was good, after rewatching i was blown away * ithink it takes me awhile to grasp for what iv seen and after watching it again i was blown away *

its like
squid girl
Basically, if I rewatch something I liked as a kid, most of the time I'll think it's utter shite. Such as the Digimon movie and a lot of the Pokémon movies.

Also, I liked Black Cat, but on a rewatch...I realised just how much better the manga really is.
I've re watched a lot of the anime that I watched when I was younger (around 8 or so), out of all of them I was surprised that I now dislike Akira.....
I changed my mind on some of the old anime I had the chance to rewatch in the last 10 years, stuff that I loved 30 years ago but left me cold. The most notable example is Captain Harlock, this series was one of my favourites but when I rewatched it around 2004 I got disappointed, I remember it to be much much better.
About stuff from the last 10 years, I don't think I have rewatched anything.

I only tend to rewatch things I was pretty sure I loved anyway. Haibane Renmei is the only series I seem to regularly rewatch.

Recently I've been trying to get my girlfriend into things so I've rewatched a few things with her. There are often bits I didn't remember or things weren't quite how I remembered them, but I've had no big changes of opinion on any shows or films so far.
Not exactly. I never like something I hated before, or hate something I love, but sometimes the lustre fades, or more often, I like something a lot more the second time round. Like LOTR was something I was rather nonplussed with at the cinema, but when I got it o video for Xmas I loved it.
Not sure about an anime but I've done it with manga.

Anyone whose read my MyM columns will know that I once reviewed "The Flowers of Evil Vol. 1". I didn't like and gave it a "Miss", the only manga to which I've given such a rating. Some people here ont he forums siad I was too harsh, so I reviewed Vol. 2 and I liked to more, boosting up to a "Maybe" rank.

Since then I've decided that if I give any manga a "Miss" rank, I'll review the next volume (if there is one) to see if it gets better.
Ian Wolf said:
Not sure about an anime but I've done it with manga.

Anyone whose read my MyM columns will know that I once reviewed "The Flowers of Evil Vol. 1". I didn't like and gave it a "Miss", the only manga to which I've given such a rating. Some people here ont he forums siad I was too harsh, so I reviewed Vol. 2 and I liked to more, boosting up to a "Maybe" rank.

Since then I've decided that if I give any manga a "Miss" rank, I'll review the next volume (if there is one) to see if it gets better.

Thats a slightly different issue i'd say, a lot of stuff takes a while to get going and will improve over a number of episodes/volumes.

As for total rewatches I don't get much time thesedays but some certainly get better 2nd time when you are able to spot the subtle clues that point to later events. Not yet had anything where I thought why the hell did I watch this 1st time yet.
the first time I watched Street fighter: alpha, i thought it was an awesome film. on re-watch i can safely say that is not the case (unlike SF2 and SFA: generations)