Evangelion 1.0 and D Gray-Man Anime licensed by MANGA?


Stand User
Just found this on MANGA uk twitter:
"Manga's BIG Ayacon news! Evangelion 1.0 and D Gray-Man launching in Feb 2010."
<a href="http://twitter.com/mangauk">link</a>
So only 2 and a half years for us to get Eva 1.0 then? (I'll let people decide for themselves if that's sarcasm or not) If it's Blu-ray I'm in. If not my HK DVD will suffice.

Also, it's worth pointing out to Manga that much as I hate them*, no God is to blame for the existance of Chavs. These kind of pointless throwaway comments are why I really dislike Twitter... Forget verbal diarrhoea, Twitter is like mental diarrhoea.

*Chavs, not Manga.
Figured Manga would be releasing Eva 1.0 after that mysterious announcement they made, will pick it up so long as it's sensibly priced. D-Gray Man on the other hand I never really cared for much. From the 20 odd episodes I watched it seemed average at best.
Good news, but I am starting to think importing DVDs is generally better than buying from Manga, due to certain reasons... So I would probable import D.Gray-man if I find I do like it...
So Evangelion 1.0 coming soon from both Funimation (import) and manga. Who will get it out first, and which will be cheaper? I'll probably end up importing, want to see it.

But I'll keep an eye out for D-Gray man, I've been hearing about it (mainly the manga) and I'm always on the lookout for a new series to chuck on the backlog pile :D
Truered said:
So Evangelion 1.0 coming soon from both Funimation (import) and manga. Who will get it out first, and which will be cheaper?
And more importantly, will it be a friggin' region locked Blu-ray with no UK release in sight like much of Funtertainment's current US release schedule?

I am not best pleased.
Can't wait for Manga to announce Eva 1.01, or 1.11.

I tried watched D.Gray-man ages ago; when I still had a 14", square and very dark CRT monitor. Great OP & ED aside, it was average, and I dropped it after the clown fight.

If Manga sell the sets fotr cheap enough, I *might* give it another go on DVD. It's always good to support Manga, after all.
In the end, these were the only big annoucements of this con, as there were no new releases annouced (that we didn't knew about it already) from Beez and MVM.

ADV is dead in the water, as far as UK goes and now even Hughes won't be attending the cons. At least not associated to ADV anymore.
chaos said:
In the end, these were the only big annoucements of this con, as there were no new releases annouced (that we didn't knew about it already) from Beez and MVM.

ADV is dead in the water, as far as UK goes and now even Hughes won't be attending the cons. At least not associated to ADV anymore.

Why is adv dead exactly?

They have a an American company backing them surely?
sanji no 1 said:
Does anyone still care about Evangelion?
I poop on Evangelion!

Im interested about D.Gray-man though.

Many many people including me

D gray man anime isn't that great
I assume you like bleach and such therefore it should be to your liking

not mine though the manga is technically better
unellmay said:
Why is adv dead exactly?
They have a an American company backing them surely?

No announcements at Aya. No new title for over a year. Not even a re-release has been announced or a box set of something released previously announced.

In other words, they showed no signs of recovery at all.

The american company is in the exact same situation, as far as I know.
chaos said:
unellmay said:
Why is adv dead exactly?
They have a an American company backing them surely?

No announcements at Aya. No new title for over a year. Not even a re-release has been announced or a box set of something released previously announced.

In other words, they showed no signs of recovery at all.

The american company is in the exact same situation, as far as I know.

Didn't they Just announce a vod?
when's that gonna get good?
ayase said:
So only 2 and a half years for us to get Eva 1.0 then? (I'll let people decide for themselves if that's sarcasm or not) If it's Blu-ray I'm in. If not my HK DVD will suffice.

Even Australia got it before us!!

Now the big question is:
Why not 1.01 or 1.11?
Strong choice of words from me then.

At the last expo, their announcement was "We will be here at the next one". Not only they didn't announce something like that, but Hughes, who has always been the face of ADV for the fandom, got axed.

Jayme said:
I'm sure they prioritize (and rightly so) them more than us.

Just Passing Through said:
ADV US released Clannad, and picked up a wodge load of CPM licence rescues. I think ADV UK's last rereleases were the Shadow Skill and Mazinkaiser collections in June just past

I completely forgot about the rescues and yes, Anime Network website is in fact ADV's. I wasn't aware Clannad was ADV, though.
It a bit of belated WooHoo from me they are nice titles, but they aren't titles which i am going to pre order day one. I must admit there not many titles like that though *cough* ONE PIECE *cough*.

But it does really show the quality of manga licenses is greatly improving, which can only be a good thing.