Eurovision 2008!


Guild Member
Anyone else watching this? I saw the first semi-final last night, and it was great! I voted for Norway and Slovenia, but only Norway got through. So, I hope Norway wins! :] I wouldn't mind if Israel won, though and I kind of hope Russia doesn't simply because of how utterly ridiculous the ice-skater was during the performance. Ireland didn't get through, and Dustin certainly didn't deserve to get through anyway.

For the record, here's the Norwegian entry. Enjoy!

(Pointless, but anyway: I'm going to miss tomorrow's semi-final because I have to go to my graduation mass, followed by the kind of drinking us Irish are known for and then it's a friends birthday on Saturday so I'll miss the actual final. Woe is me!)
I love Eurovision and in recent years have always missed seeing it. This year is the same as I have a birthday party to throw and no TV anyway so I haven't even heard any of the songs yet aside from the one you linked.

I always think it's a shame that so many songs are in English. The one you linked is ok but I'd probably end up rooting for a cheesy upbeat song if Lordi aren't coming back.

Me and my mates usually take over someones house and draw out teams 2 countries each and then each bet on there own countries, winning team takes all the money for themselves. Then we drink and enjoy Terry Wogan taking the piss
Terry Wogan's commentary must be pretty awesome, I'm always hearing about it. What's so good about it?

Rui said:
I always think it's a shame that so many songs are in English. The one you linked is ok but I'd probably end up rooting for a cheesy upbeat song if Lordi aren't coming back.

There are plenty of those songs, too! I reccomend Slovenia's entry (that, sadly, didn't get through :/)
CitizenGeek said:
Terry Wogan's commentary must be pretty awesome, I'm always hearing about it. What's so good about it?

He sits and basically mocks the other countries, in a lighthearted way tho :lol:
He is pretty darn good at the commentary for it, he's done it for years as well. Its great to watch though, our entry was actually decent for a change. first good one in years.
Once again the voting is done 'unfairly', no doubt they won't change how they vote for a while. Its always political =/
Yeah, everyone has known for years now that Eurovision isn't really about music, it's about geo-politics. We've known this for a long time, so the annual outrage over that which we have known for so long is getting very, very tiresome. Sure, the only countries with any chance of winning are in the East and countries well outside Europe (Azerbaijan?) are allowed enter, and that's not very fair, but it's all just a bit of fun; so why can't we accept that?
The thing what annoys me about Eurovision is that it is almost entirely funded by western European countries, the ones that have no chance of winning. I don't see the point. We should spend the money on better things.

And yes, I am anti EU :)
jonboy said:
The thing what annoys me about Eurovision is that it is almost entirely funded by western European countries, the ones that have no chance of winning. I don't see the point. We should spend the money on better things.

That's a fair point, actually. The Western European countries have to pay for Eurovision, even though they have no chance at all of winning.

And yes, I am anti EU

Then you obviously don't know enough about the EU :p

Also, the EU and Eurovision are almost totally unrelated.
Yes, I know that. I do study European economics at university after all!

I was actually relating it to western european nations subsidizing eastern european nations. This happens in eurovision and eu.
Yeah its fun, even if the voting is off, but even still, it didn't used to be always like that. Most of the problems started when they changed to public phone-in voting. It wasn't to bad at first, everyone had a chance to win, but after a while, it became too damned obvious as to who would win, or rather, which part of europe the winner would come from. Its a shame, i heard it used to be a panel of judges, meaning it was all about the music, and now, the music plays no part at all. I mean if it did, Spain would be at the bottom and the UK would at least be in the top 10. I would have seen it a two way battle between denmark and norway i think =/
all praise to latvia for their song lmao
russia isnt part of the EU so i deny its victory.
greece won :thumb: