Erm Hello


Completely Average High School Student
Hi, erm well I don't really know what to say but here go's.

I like anime and manga (otherwise I wouldnt be here) and well my favourite ones include: yostuba, death note, ouran, haruhi and card captor sakura :p
I also like reading and music but thats for another converstation in another day.

Well thats all I can think of I guess, as I said I am rubbish at this type of thing.
Hi-ho BabyAngel.

Indeed, there are some decent series in your short list. Quite a varied range of genres too, which is good for the fandom (maybe not so much with the money-in-pocket.) :)

Well, hopefully we'll see ya around.
Belated Welcome BabyA! I hope you find yourself comfortable amongst our menagerie of members. You'll find cookies on the top shelf and NEO magazine in the toilet.