Elfen Lied


The name of this series popped up a lot some time back, so I added it to my list of things to watch. To be honest I'm pretty disappointed, once you take away the ass and blood this series is below average in my opinion. The only character which ever stood out was Lucy, and then again even her other personality [Nyu] was very boring and predictable. I was expecting some kind of twist at the end, but no it was very predictable and lacking even then, there were no defining moments or characters in Elfen Lied which ultimately had me falling asleep, which nearly happens until I see some fan service or some guy's body being ripped in half. So, what did everyone else think of the series and is it just me who thinks it's average at best?
I found it really good. I though all the characters were interesting and it kept me watching and waiting for the next episode. But again people have differing opinions on everything. I enjoyed it, you didn't, oh well...
Elfen Lied is surely the Marmite of anime. In the year or so I’ve been into anime I’ve not come across a series that seems to polarise opinions so much. Personally I loved it and it’ll always have a place in my heart as it was the first anime series I watched. And as it followed a couple of Ghibli movies it was quite an eye opener for me.

I’m no art expert but I always felt that it is one of the best drawn series I’ve ever seen, especially in terms of the background scenery. The story was also fantastic. I watched it over about five days and for those five days I was completely sucked in by it. It had pretty much everything you could want from an anime; drama, suspense, tragedy, comedy, sci-fi/horror, fan service and ultra violence. Plus, it also has a beautiful soundtrack that fits like a glove.

One other thing, although the characters, in the main, were fairly standard fare, I defy any male viewer not to fall for Lucy. She was certainly the standout character, despite having very little to say.
As a male viewer, I didn't fall for Lucy. The art and animation was nothing special in my eyes, it wasn't bad but it also wasn't noticeably good. Maybe I've set my standards too high, but honestly I couldn't see one thing that made Elfen Lied stand out from other series' or do something better than the others. I'm no art expert myself, but a series such as Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the Shell, Spirited Away etc. seems to have much better art compared to Elfen Lied.

As for all the various genres you've mentioned, many anime series' add a mix of everything, in fact there isn't much anime out there which you could purely class as action or drama, because they always add some other elements into the mix to ensure you stay interested. Naruto can be funny at times, Love Hina has action even though it's a romantic comedy, and Elfen Lied can kill brain cells. :]
Must say that I did like Lucy :wink:
I really enjoyed the series myself. I watched Blood+ before it and it was definately a step up in viewing enjoyment from there. I can understand too that it is rather predictable, because it is in a way. I felt it didn't take anything from the series though. I've actually got it in the post as I write. Would have had it sooner but the postal strikes have put it back. :x

I know we're talking about Elfen Lied at the moment but may I make a reccomendation. I suggest you all take a look at Claymore if you haven't already. I watched it straight after Elfen Lied and I was blown away. The animation and detail is great and your not short of violence (not that I basing my opinion on that). I could go on but better lead us back to the subject at hand.

I can understand how people love or hate Elfen Lied, but for me, I love it. ^_^
Oh I’m sorry Nemphtis, you’re right; it’s not very good at all. I can’t believe it has been one of my favourite anime series. Maybe that’s a consequence of it being the first one I watched and the resultant brain damage?

Lucy is still hot though!!
It may not look as good as Ergo Proxy but it certainly feels like it's got more substance. The thing that brought it down for me a notch was that it seemed to try and grab for the shock button too much when it wasn't really needed.
Sy said:
The thing that brought it down for me a notch was that it seemed to try and grab for the shock button too much when it wasn't really needed.
Couldn't argue with that even though being somewhat self contradictory, the brutal violence was one of my favourite aspects of the show. My complaint in that regard would have to be the 'spilt paint' look of the blood. But perhaps unrealistic blood was an attempt to temper the extreme violence.
I liked this series quite a bit. I personally found some of the dub voices a little irratating, but I got used to it.
As for art, it was clear and nice to look at. It may not be as defined or realistic as GITS, but most animes are drawn in a similar way.
I found the main thing about it (as part of the story) was it had all these little bits of shock factor to keep you interested (and disgusted, which I would thought be common in psycho-horrors). As Sy mentioned, they do this quite a bit, but I suppose they did it to make all the characters interesting.
I thoroughly enjoyed Elfen Lied...but i dont like marmite, does my opinion still count?

I thought it was a very well done anime, especially considering that the horror genre is very hard to re-invent or mix up in any real way. Yes they go pretty OTT on the shock factor but scratch a little deeper and you'll find some pretty compelling characters. From my vague memory of it none of the major characters felt too 2D, everyone had their own purpose and specific motivation. It was one of the few animes that pulled my heartstrings as well, the scene where Nana gets torn limb from limb was both horrifying and heartbreaking - i really felt for her character and anyone who didnt feel sorry for her bumbling along with those prosthetic limbs has no heart at all

It looks and actively attempts to be a superficial series but there is some real depth behind Elfen Lied, more than a number of other animes i've watched. I suppose its just whether you want to put the extra effort in to look for it i suppose.
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Liquid Skin said:
I thoroughly enjoyed Elfen Lied...but i dont like marmite, does my opinion still count?
Just this once an exception can be made I guess.

Liquid Skin said:
the scene where Nana gets torn limb from limb was both horrifying and heartbreaking - i really felt for her character and anyone who didnt feel sorry for her bumbling along with those prosthetic limbs has no heart at all
That is surely one of the all time great scenes in anime history. I remember the first time I watched that scene I almost cried out "Stop! Enough already!". I really was shaken by it.
And after that she's lay there minus arms and legs and apologieses for getting someones tie dirty. Bless.
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harkins said:
That is surely one of the all time great scenes in anime history. I remember the first time I watched that scene I almost cried out "Stop! Enough already!". I really was shaken by it.
And after that she's lay there minus arms and legs and apologieses for getting someones tie dirty. Bless.
Argh tell me about it! I was just sat there thinking to myself, "i want to stop watching, i want to turn it off, this is too mean!" Urgh i've got a real urge to watch the series again now. Totally agree with you on how monumental that scene is.
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Yer i remember that bit, most of the bits kind of shook me up a bit cause they were so brutal.
One thing that annoyed me about the series is that it was so short. If i remember right it kind of gets into action then everything draws to a close kind of suddenly.
I have to diagree with you ninja boy. The anime had some great qualitys to it hte art was great and some of the the action scenes where great. Also the fact at the start of the anime the character who you think will have a cute goody too shoes roll gets her head cut off and used as a bullet proof shield
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Interesting, it looks like Elfen Lied will be the first series where I'll have to disagree with the majority and simply claim it sucks. I honestly cannot see why anyone finds it special, it's practically beyond my understanding for some reason but hey I guess everyone has a different preference. To me, none of the action scenes were even shocking, even the scene mentioned about Nana didn't affect me emotionally. I literally watched this whole series with a blank expression on my face, except for that one part where the girl's father turns out to be a paedophile and she just bends over for him while the guy has this hilariously sinister look on his face which at that point I was laughing like a depressed clown. Reading people's replies as to why they found it so great, all the points given I just totally disagree with, such as the scenes that were emotional or a scene being one of the best in anime, it was all just so mediocre to me for some reason. :[
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The most shocking scene for me was not Nana being torn apart (although it's a close 2nd). It was the kid Lucy having to watch her best friend, the dog, get pummelled by other kids. It was defenceless! Kid with such sinister thoughts should be shot on sight.

As for the fanbase, I'm sure the mix of Ecchi themes and pure-psychotic horror attracts many students from College/Uni. Hell, it's adrenalin pumping and easy on the eyes, even if the story was bland to others.
But the fact still remains, "Each to their own" and all.
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I found it hard to watch the puppy being tortured and beaten to death. I hate seeing animals, even animated ones, put in harms way. It never blew me away and occasionally descends into crap, but I must admit I felt like I was rooting for the characters by the end. They have all this terrible stuff done to them and after a while, you just want to see them live happily ever after.

And the sheer heartless brutality of the first episode is awesome. I always remember this one scene where the "hard-ass" solider smashes this secretary in the face just for walking up behind him. It's kind of shocking when you see such blatant aggression. Thinking about it, the first episode is the best by far. The mystery of Lucy emerging from the facility wearing that mark, that whole siege is wonderfully bloody fun.
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Chaz said:
As for the fanbase, I'm sure the mix of Ecchi themes and pure-psychotic horror attracts many students from College/Uni.

Agreed, its the best horror anime i've seen, is there anything that compares to it? Or any other horror animes in general? I've been watching a lot of psychological and philosophical animes as of yet, it would be nice to chill out to copious amounts of blood.

but I must admit I felt like I was rooting for the characters by the end.

Yep you summed up the series for me perfectly there. You just want to see a happy ending for once!