Dreamcast Game Grandia 2 Gets HD PC Port

Genkina Hito

The Dreamcast RPG <em>Grandia II</em> is getting a HD port onto the PC via Steam. Publisher GungHo Online Entertainment stated that it will be bringing an HD version of <em>Grandia II</em> to PC following a survey focussed on games from the Game Arts library. The enthusiastic reader response to the prospect of <em>Grandia II</em> being brought back to a new generation of players influenced GungHo&rsquo;s decision to release <em>Grandia II</em> on Steam.

<em>Grandia II</em> was originally released for Sega's Dreamcast console in 2000. It won much acclaim for its graphics ad battle system and was eventually ported to PlayStation 2 and PC in 2002.
