Dragonball Evolution


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I wasn't really hating on this movie before a few months back, and one of the reasons I started hating was: Justin Chatwin. I saw an interview with him and his personality is akin to Shia LeBeouf, which is more than enough reason not to like the guy. I respect Shia more, he knows his hated at least. Not to mention some bad images and the main plot points being released.

I like Zac's posts and reviews on ANN, as misanthropic as he is - I generally agree with him. (Wow, that's not really saying much about me now, is it? :/)
Some guy I know who had the same idea as me "Shut up until you see it" told me he watched the first ten minutes as the whole movie was uploaded onto youtube. (Been taken down now of course.) His exact words were "To all those people I told to shut up until they see the movie, I'M SORRY." This is not a good sign.
Hokum said:

Hmm sounds about as good as i guessed it would...

To quote the review...
"In short, it's as bad as the fans said it would be."

I laughed through that entire review! At the same time, the small part of me that hoped this would be good just died and disappeared. I'm not surprised that it sucks, but there was some hope that something half-decent would be produced. I'll probably watch it sometime, but definitely not at the cinema itself.

Unless they pay me.

Or give me a real Dragonball :D
Hokum said:
I just worry for akira...
If DBE fades into obscurity without tarnishing the Dragonball franchise's reputation within the US then I'll be comforted. If not, that is to say this film damages the franchise's reputation amongst general opinion, then I might have to grab my Akira DVD and hide away from civilisation.
Aaron said:
Urzu seven said:
.I don't know how much this pile of garbage cost but knowing hollywood propably between $30 & $50 million dollars..
James Marsters is claiming it was $100 million.
$100 million, Good God what a waste.I suppose on a bright note for Db fans what with the recession on ,I can't see another Db film been made .Come on hands up anyone that thinks this movie is even going to break even?
I never was a DB fan but it could of been handled a 1000 times better than what it was.My fear now is that Cowboy Bebop,Akira and Ghost in the Shell are all slated for the same treatment. :cry:
Burger King are giving toys based on the movie with their kids' meals if anyone's interested.

I got one today and got Bulma. Looks like they all do a kinda spinny...thing.
I wouldn't mind seeing this film, just to see how faithful it is to the Manga/Anime.

Akira is most certainly in for the Hollywood Live Action Treatment as you might already know with Leonardo DiCaprio possibly starring in it as well as being one of the producers of the film. The film is going to be released in two parts as it is an adaption of the Manga Graphic Novel and not the Anime. The first part is due for release in 2011.

There's also going to be a Hollywood Live Action adaption of Ninja Scroll as well which is also due for release in 2011.

Ghost In The Shell, I wouldn't mind seeing a Hollywood Live Action treatment of it as long as it isn't as boring as the Anime and they throw in alot more action scenes.
The budget was mention elsewhere of being $45 million dollars instead of $100 million.

http://liveactionanime.org/2009/03/31/d ... 5-million/

Who knows which is correct but the rule of thumb states: a film needing 3 times production cost to make a profit (Marketing, Cinema cut, etc), so the production cost could make a great difference to it success. I can see it making $135 million dollars but I think they will be hard pushed to break anywhere near $300 mark.
I saw Dragonball Evolution yesterday.

In my opinion it was pretty good, if you can ignore the really bad cheesy parts and can get past the many story-liberties being taken. Bascilly, if you take this as a different sort of 'version' of dragonball in that it has the same characters, but story and elements of the backstory are heavily changed in places. On the other hand, there are also a good few similarities.

Imo, worth the watch. 8/10.
I've started watching the vid until I noticed it's 27 minutes long. Ivé seen gohan in it and wow...

o.0 What the hell did they do to Gohan!!!!