Dragonball Evolution


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Baka Ranger
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Yo4t8PeqJ6E&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Yo4t8PeqJ6E&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

[At this stage; I'm unsure where to put this, News or Movies ?]
Looks like a normal trashy American action flick to me. They've taken a few elements from DB, stole the title, blended the elements with the real world and added some crap about a prophecy. I'm nt impressed.

I can only see kids born after 1992 liking it.
Well i supose in the grand scheme of things some sacfirices had to be made with Goku...there was no way to pull off his hair without it looking silly. Still probably won't end up in the cinema watching it unless my friends all want to go. Might be worth a rental though
I actually liked the looks of that, still doesn't look like it will be amazing, but better than it did originally. From the looks of things Goku is just human this time? That does put me off a little, since i doubt he'll have his insanely huge appetite for starters, but we'll wait and see anywho.
Not the most perfect adapation, but it'll do but besides, the Japanese/Korean/Whatever have had their attempt at it with their pitiful low budget and awful CGI, let America have it's chance.

P.S. The trailer needed either Makafushigi Adventure or Rock the Dragon being performed by DragonForce which would make thirteen year old boys cry tears of joy.

P.P.S . Inb4 people raging.
Just looks like one of those forgettable summer movies that will appeal mainly to kids. It could work on that level as long as the filmmakers didn't try to take the material too seriously. I mean to me it looks kind of naff and the only way a movie can get away with that somewhat is if it acknowledges that. Who knows, it could be a big hit or just another Speed Racer flop.
Meh, looks alright. The action/fighting scenes look dreadfully slow moving, though. I can imagine it being a little less famous than 'Speed Racer' in terms of fame/money. I don't like how they've made it all modern styled locations, and that washing line fight looked pretty stupid.
Maybe if I'd seen more of the series I'd want to watch this but it looks like another American muckup definately not worth anywhere near OVER 9000 lol
Lupus Inu said:
P.S. The trailer needed either Makafushigi Adventure or Rock the Dragon being performed by DragonForce which would make thirteen year old boys cry tears of joy.


I think I'll give this a miss. I like DB but I don't really like Hollywood action movies and this is clearly going to be one through and through. Good to hear that it's got a few people excited though. I'm always happy to hear about anime-related things potentially doing well.

i'll probually end up watching it for kicks, just like speed racer

but this looks more like spy kids than speed racer did :D

i did like the capsle ATV though

Lupus Inu said:
P.S. The trailer needed either Makafushigi Adventure or Rock the Dragon being performed by DragonForce which would make thirteen year old boys cry tears of joy.

P.P.S . Inb4 people raging.

It's getting done by Ayumi Hamasaki, what more do you want? :D
I have no idea why, but I've followed this Dragon Ball movie since the fairly early stages, hence why I think I'm seeing it through rose coloured glasses. It was never going to be a Coen Brothers movie now was it ? I'm not that bothered how it peforms, however, I think it has a lot to compete with, with more established franchises being released around April/May.

It's a popcorn movie, so I, for one, will enjoy it.
Even it it's watchable, I'll dislike like it because it's Dragon Ball in name only. The setting is wrong, the characters look nothing like the originals (no effort was made) and the plot sounds pathetic. And the guy who plays Goku looks like a douche.