Doujinshi, All ages hopefully

Insanity prelude

Brigade Leader
Ok a simple question and statement.
The idea of doujinshi or fan manga has always appealed to me, I’ve imagined that it would cover a wide variety of things but end up being mainly like the humorous omake at the end of fullmetal alchemist. However it seems to me whenever it is mentioned or found it always contains sexual material.

Which brings me onto the question; Do other varieties of doujinshi exist if you scratch the surface or is this all there is?
There's tons of "all ages" doujinshi! It's just the porny ones are more popular with hungry internet fiends so they're more commonly traded.

When you go into shops in Japan they often have labels on them to identify which are erotic and which are not. The most common non-sexual type seems to be comedy (gag) doujinshi, which often have crossovers or ridiculous situations crop up. Some are 4-koma format - short strips with punchlines told over four panels.

I love comedy doujinshi (and porn but...) and some of my best prizes include a pirate anthology where famous pirates - including Monkey D Luffy, Jack Sparrow and many more - all get together and bicker. And my Keroro Gunsou/Fullmetal Alchemist crossover. And any of the infamous few series where the artists redraw popular cute series aimed at men (like Idol@Master or To Heart) but in the style of Fist of the North Star, i.e. lots of huge men with massive eyebrows in tiny skirts. I love it.

Slightly less common, at least in my collection, are serious stories where the artists make up alternate endings or side stories to focus more on characters and relationships. Or make up their own characters and write a nice story about them. These are quite popular too.

It's like fanfiction really, the porn gets all the infamy but there is more to it than that if you look past the heaving bosoms :)

I have a bunch of doujinshi, and pretty much all of them are for 'all ages', I don't have any which are sexually explicit , maybe some implied romance, but nothing else.

There is a lot of doujinshi out there which is in fact, purely hentai or the sort, which I avoid myself. (Though, it's hard to know unless it's stated somewhere that it's that type of doujinshi, I've come close to buying one until I was told what the contents were. Covers can be misleading, very much so).

I think Rui pretty much covered it though, haha.
Can you get these Doujins at conventions and such? Surely it's a method for aspiring new talent to get recognision. Just a thought on how to actually get your hands on some. I don't have any myself.
They sell some at Expo etc, but if you want anything specific your best bet is to buy online since they get relatively small print runs. Of course if you get to visit Japan it's much easier, but some online stores specialise in different types of doujinshi.

Can't recommend any myself as I only buy BL online and I don't think that's what you're after! But I know there are some which specialise in other types around as well.

Rui said:
Of course if you get to visit Japan it's much easier

I wish i'd asked a couple of months ago then i saw in a couple of book shops but was put off the section due to some of the obvious bl covers.

So whats the opinion on reading doujinshi online, as you've said they have a small print run and have a > or = 0 chance of being printed. Where would you recommend for finding them? i get the feeling that if i put doujinshi into google i'm not going to find what i'm looking for.