Do you keep tracker fo your anime collection?

Wow. i guess it'd be nice to know just what i've got in case i got burgled or something...

but the effort of going through everything would probably kill my soul
I used to update a text list once a year on the Neo Forum and used to use DVD Aficionado but both had their problems.

The first was hard to update and the second hardly ever had UK Anime releases on it unless if I updated it for them which got old fast.

I should probably do a spreadsheet for my collection one of these days as I keep on changing it too much.
This could be a really hard work idea but why not AUN provide a "collection service" for their members? I could easily volunter myself to help introducing titles. Just a simple thing where we could have the volumes, company that released them, year, and a few more things, but just a simple thing.

Any chances AUK staff? :mrgreen:

If so, im here to help. :D
As may have been mentioned, but a fairly useful list site is my anime list, something I use as occasionally as an excel sheet on my lap top. Other methods are ones already mentioned by blackburn. Neo has a simple run of lists.
I'm really liking the idea of manual spreadsheet. So I might give it a go :)

At the moment im using MAL, but I only update every 1-2 months, and the rating system doesnt really work well with me :|
animefreak17 said:
Edit (to make more sence)

Iv enjoyed all (or almost all) the shows iv watched, so I rate them quite high,,

but then I look at the list and notice iv given one show the same rating as a better show. Making me waste time changing the scores around, usally ending up where i began.

Thats why im not good at rating shows :(


(2nd edit: well that didnt make any more sence than unedited,, ohwell)
I tend to use MAL for checking what a show is about before watching these days(especially if its something ive somehow never heard of before or something in a genre im not familier with) as like shadowcat ive stopped bothering to update my watch lists there as much as i used to.
heres mine

i like using MAL i can keep track of what iv watched and what i want to watch,

i tend to buy my anime and make a big backlog but i dont put in what iv got, only when im going to watch it the night before e.g.

if iv got baka and test * which i do* il wait til iv got the whole series * which i do* and after iv got to baka and test in my backlog il put in the information,.

thing is if theres like OVAs or specials or other seasons that didn't get a release outside japan i tend to put them in the plan to watch pile
i had all of my dvds alphabetised in one of those case things that holds DVD discs, but that's fallen by the wayside as my collection grew too big. i don't have any list or anything, but I know what I've got. i really should make a file up of what I have really.
Spoonmage said:
i had all of my dvds alphabetised in one of those case things that holds DVD discs, but that's fallen by the wayside as my collection grew too big. i don't have any list or anything, but I know what I've got. i really should make a file up of what I have really.

It's not all that hard to be honest, it took me a whole day to put everything Iv got in MAL.
It isn't hard, just time consuming. In any case. I can't realistically alphabet my collection due to having 300+ titles and relatively little shelf space. The dvd's are stacked in bigger cupboards and the ones I'm watching (about to watch) on the shelves. MAL help only when I remember to use it :oops:
I should really make an excel sheet up for my collection, and keep a copy uploaded in the cloud.

Although it would probably highlight how much is on my to-watch pile :(
I've used feeware programs in the past, but as I've just finally got an up to date version of office I think I'll make an Excel file of them. I've got at least 250 anime dvds. I'll probably do one for my asian cinema too.
As my collection is still rather small I can remember which ones I've purchased.

For my "To Buy/Watch List" I used to write them in a notebook, but now i've simply added

"Pre Ordered", "Owned" and even "Released 2013" for ones such as Steins;Gate on the MAL tabs
britguy said:
I do a manual spreadhseet that lists the following (for anime I buy DVD and BD, for live action and TV series I am only using this spreadsheet for my BD list)

Sheet 1: Anime Owned - Anime title, Company name, Format, Viewed (Y/N)
Sheet 2: Anime to buy - Anime title, Company name, Format, release date, Pre-ordered (Y/N)
Sheet 3: Movies/TV Owned - Movie/TV title, Company name, Viewed (Y/N)
Sheet 4: Movies/TV to buy - Move/TV Title, Company name, release date, Pre-ordered (Y/N)
I keep on creating spreadsheets or word docs that look a lot like this, but only get as far as the headings and such before I realize how much effort it would be.

One day, hopefully.

(I have a similar method of keeping track of episodes airing/watched etc of current series which I keep far more up to date, though)