Lupus Inu said:... the movie was terrible.
I hope they carry FMA on... this time following the manga. >_>
There's nothing else to do in BONES adapation, at all.
Chrono Mizaki said:Lupus Inu said:... the movie was terrible.
I hope they carry FMA on... this time following the manga. >_>
There's nothing else to do in BONES adapation, at all.
I think the movie was actually okay. Not the best, but okay. As for another series, please no.
I know we all wanting for the anime to carry on. But in the end, they have a reason to end it. Otherwise, they all end up bad, with bad plots. Remember the DBZ fiasco? They should've ended it at the Frieza Saga
Lupus Inu said:... the movie was terrible.
I hope they carry FMA on... this time following the manga. >_>
There's nothing else to do in BONES adapation, at all.
CitizenGeek said:The movie was awesome. I curse people like you for convincing me that the movie would be bad, because it absolutely was not bad, it was immensely enjoyable and packed the same emotional punch that the series did.
CitizenGeek said:Also, what? There's tonnes left to do in Bone's adaptation of FMA.
Lupus Inu said:The Gate is destroyed, how are they going to get back? Unless they pull off some crappy idea like "OMG, THERE'S MORE THAN ONE GATE." FMA is pretty much over, dawg, the OVAs finally ended.
I wouldn't mind it to be honest, in fact it probably has the potential to be even better than the first series. Show how they survived through our second world war and having to adjust to the new world. Trouble is that the mass majority of fans would just slag it off at every turn because there's no 'supah magics' anymore. With the characters already established from the previous series I think it could be a winner if it was handled properly.Lupus Inu said:Do you want it to be Full Metal Alchemist, or do you want Full Metal Engineer? Because if you want Full Metal Alchemist then it's not going to happen in our world, you saw it yourself in the movie, alchemy is a no-go.
Sy said:I wouldn't mind it to be honest, in fact it probably has the potential to be even better than the first series. Show how they survived through our second world war and having to adjust to the new world. Trouble is that the mass majority of fans would just slag it off at every turn because there's no 'supah magics' anymore. With the characters already established from the previous series I think it could be a winner if it was handled properly.
I don't know, I think continuing the stories in the other world would be more of a hindrance than enhance the story. One of the worst things I think they could do was to have them try and get back to their world again. I think the best route for the story to be sucessful would be that they are stuck and there's no way in getting back so they've got to make it the best they can in their new world.CitizenGeek said:As regards to the characters stuck in Amestris (Winry, MUstang etc.), it would be a good idea to continue their stories alongside Ed and Al's adventures.
Sy said:I don't know, I think continuing the stories in the other world would be more of a hindrance than enhance the story. One of the worst things I think they could do was to have them try and get back to their world again. I think the best route for the story to be sucessful would be that they are stuck and there's no way in getting back so they've got to make it the best they can in their new world.
The main concern with the series should be as always with the bond between the two brothers as it's main focus. That's how I see it anyway. I'm not saying that the older characters should completely be forgotten, they could and should still make reference to them but they shouldn't be a big focal point of the series as actually seeing them wouldnt really be relevant unless they plan on trying to bring them back.CitizenGeek said:Yeah, that's what I was thinking - but the characters stuck in Amestris would, for want of a better expression, 'get over it' and continue with their lives as well?