Disney are self foiling now?

Ryo Chan

flipping channels and i saw on bbc 1 was High School Musical

now it's not a bad film, but it's only been on DVD for 2 weeks, surely theres no point in buying a DVD if it'll be on TV 2 weeks later lol
Rukario said:
Emo kids in my college love it. >_>

I watched half of it and couldn't stop laughing at how terrible it was.

Tried watching it to see what all the fuss was about and I agree its aweful, plus they stop the movie to teach you the dance moves of each musical number, true it makes the film longer but it brings you out of the escapism movies are supposed to offer you. That and the story is aweful (argh lifes dilema do I play basketball or sing um er ah DO BOTH YOU MUPPET), the dialogue is so PC its scary and the actors are so wooden they could have just filmed a broom and a mop for 2 hours and it would have been a more convincing perfromance.
Finally, someone agrees that the film is a load of crap. My brothers and sister keep watching it, and it sucks.

Well, the horror won't end soon. They are already planning a sequel. *Kills director for making this crap*
I don't think they put it on there because no one was buying the DVD, it's a perfect advertisement in a way. I know of people who watch it about three times a week...
Rukario said:
Tried watching it to see what all the fuss was about and I agree its aweful, plus they stop the movie to teach you the dance moves of each musical number, true it makes the film longer but it brings you out of the escapism movies are supposed to offer you.

Good point! I don't understand why they are trying to make movies (and television) interactive. I just want to sit back and lose myself in the film (or programme). Obviously, I think anime is the best medium for this. :)
Ryo Chan said:
look on the bright side, i'd rather them make crap dvd's than rip off animes like they do

lion king = kimba, Atlantis = Laputa ect ect

Well, I rather have them sticking with the anime rip-offs than listening to them on singing, dancing and god awful acting.

And yes, Lion king is off kimba, but Alantis, isn't disney trying to explain about the lost continent in a disney way.

Off-topic: Put atlantis in KH3