So it's fine for Fate to get a faithful Anime but not Higurashi? Ok fine
As you're obviously baiting me to answer that question, here we go again I guess.
First, I have never said Fate has gotten a faithful adaptation, not in a 1:1 way at least. If you look at my replies hitherto I've done nothing but argued that those adaptations isn't "perfect" either. Not that they're bad or good as such, but they aren't 1:1 adaptations. Indeed, I've tried to present my view that there is no such adaptations.
Second, here are the assumptions I'm basing my reasoning on:
1) There exist a hard border between anime and VN mediums, due to them being very different in structure and employ completely different ways of narration. Due to these differences, both these mediums have different strengths and drawbacks according to the fact that they are so different to each other.
2) Due to there being these inherent differences, any jump between this border between them is going to have ramifications on the experience being transmitted from one medium to the next, as this experience will have to now be presented in a different way of narration and in a new form. This will likely cause stuff being lost in the process or stuff that "worked" in the original medium doesn't work in the same way anymore (a F/SN example would be,
how Sakura's hand is described as being "bruised" or something to that effect in the VN while you in the anime clearly can see that she got an edged out command spell)
3) As each medium have different strengths and drawbacks, some experiences is easier to reconstruct in a new medium. A VN with a lot of fight scenes is easier to adapt into anime as those scenes translate well into motion and offers improvements by adding fluidity and "pulse" while a text heavy and atmospheric VN (for example) will have a harder time at being properly adapted as text can be creative and more informative in a way nothing "tangible" can be. Thus, it's not strange then that F/SN can have fairly faithful anime adaptations, Higurashi can have less faithful anime adaptations and something like Subarashiki Hibi I'd say is outright impossible to adapt with any shred of "faithfulness" even with limitless resources.
The sum of all this is that I don't see being "faithful" as necessarily a good quality on its own when I'm judging the anime. I'm more interested in whether I like the story and narrative presented rather than "how is this part compared to this part form the VN?" or "does this part capture the exact same feelings as this part from the VN?". If it works, I'm completely fine with differences, simple as that. You see the anime only arc as being a sign of the VN being "butchered", I see it more as a shrewd way to "realign" itself to the VN's story when the story gets derailed due circumstances most likely caused by the anime medium as such. All in all, I found the Higurashi anime good and enjoyable, not as an adaption of the VN, but as an anime by itself. I'm very well aware this experience probably deviates a lot from the VN and that stuff gets left behind, but I see it as an inescapable part of these types of adaptations and, once again, if the narrative works (which it did for me and a lot of others, as seen in the MAL ratings) I don't see why I should hold it against it that it's not exactly the same experience as the VN.
That's it. I'm leaving this discussion now. Good day to you.