Digital Economy Bill


Completely Average High School Student
Whether you download illegaly or not, this affects every UK net denizen.
If you aren't familiar with this disgusting mess, allow some spineless coward from the government to explain it for you.
<object width="400" height="360"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="360"></embed></object>
Oh, sorry about that, he just blabbered on about nothing in particular.

In short, this bill will give the government the power to permamently disconnect any household or business without any proper court process, using little more than a IP address supplied by the entertainment industry. If this does not succeed in lowering illegal filesharing by 70% by next year (protip: it wont) then Lord Mandelson, a twice disgraced, unelected politician, will be able to make up any new laws he and Mr. Geffen see fit, without having to go through parliment.
More info @ ... terne.html
And the petition for those feeling brave enough @

Seriously though. This would just waste ISP companies money, as they will have to monitor this / keeps records etc, while the pirates will find a way around this easily.

I can think of at least three ways to go around this and none of this actually involves too mcuh work to be done...
Not signed because I can't help but think signing this petition is a good way to get yourself investigated first. Petitions never achieve anything anyway, the government isn't obliged to pay any attention to them whatsoever.

I knew something like this would happen sooner or later but the penalties are way over the top. This country is becoming more authoritarian and our government more control-freakish by the day, and there's no-one to vote for who isn't. Any free countries left I can emigrate to?
ayase said:
Not signed because I can't help but think signing this petition is a good way to get yourself investigated first. Petitions never achieve anything anyway, the government isn't obliged to pay any attention to them whatsoever.

I knew something like this would happen sooner or later but the penalties are way over the top. This country is becoming more authoritarian and our government more control-freakish by the day, and there's no-one to vote for who isn't. Any free countries left I can emigrate to?
I posted 'for those feeling brave enough' for a reason you know, especially with all this rather scary sounding blacklisting going on. I would normally reccomend moving to sweden, but with all the attention, sorry, money being pumped into the anti-piracy outfits there, net policing is at an all time high. Australia, the popular option, also is out of the question with the great australian firewall and thier dubious cencorship policies.
I hear Luxembourg is nice however.

I think this is pretty much the killing blow for wifi hotspots across the country as well. I mean, who is going to have a unprotected access point when it can shut down the internet for the entire premises? Not good news for local pubs and cafe's anyway. World leader in the digital economy? this is like a comedy sketch gone horrifyingly bad.
ayase said:
Not signed because I can't help but think signing this petition is a good way to get yourself investigated first. Petitions never achieve anything anyway, the government isn't obliged to pay any attention to them whatsoever.

I knew something like this would happen sooner or later but the penalties are way over the top. This country is becoming more authoritarian and our government more control-freakish by the day, and there's no-one to vote for who isn't. Any free countries left I can emigrate to?

I ditto this.

//Edit// I just watched the video. The last thing I ever want to hear about a piece of potential legislation is that it's "Innovative" or "creative"...
ayase said:
Petitions never achieve anything anyway, the government isn't obliged to pay any attention to them whatsoever.
Come to think of it, the petition against the offending clauses of the C&J bill was rejected quite unceremoniously once it accumulated quite a number of signatures.

Despite this being a far more popular issue, I would not be surprised if something similar were to occur for this petition.

Isn't there an election next year?
Zin5ki said:
ayase said:
Petitions never achieve anything anyway, the government isn't obliged to pay any attention to them whatsoever.
Come to think of it, the petition against the offending clauses of the C&J bill was rejected quite unceremoniously once it accumulated quite a number of signatures.

Despite this being a far more popular issue, I would not be surprised if something similar were to occur for this petition.

Isn't there an election next year?
Yeah. It's like Labour don't want to win.
Ryo Chan said:
i can do more damage to the bill by voting in the UKIP
Please don't. The last thing we need is to be cut off from the EU, who seem to be our last hope against this mess. The UK Pirate Party would be a better option at the moment.

Zin5ki said:
Isn't there an election next year?
I doubt a twice disgraced, unelected politician like lord manny would care. Besides, would the tories act any different from this?
He can't fine or detain in Prison without taking to trial. I'm confident of that. European Convention of Human Rights says Innocent until proven Guilty.

Am I interpreting what you're saying wrong?
What is hilarious is how little they do to support industries such as the UK video game industry, which is dwindling in the face of competition from Canada and other countries which offer tax breaks etc, and then come out with **** like this.
ilmaestro said:
What is hilarious is how little they do to support industries such as the UK video game industry, which is dwindling in the face of competition from Canada and other countries which offer tax breaks etc, and then come out with **** like this.
Which actually will probably put the smaller ISP's out of business due to the increased cost of storage and the othe tech aspects of the bill.
Talk talk is fighting it in courts, they said.

Considering the cost of storage for my ompany, I'd say they would need to invest millions of pounds to get all the thech aspects of this.

Doable it is, but it's really far from being cheap.
I'm with Talk Talk....and tbh they don't have to worry about piracy, some days their internet speed is shockingly crap so downloading a ps3 update in near impossible anyway
Tachi-, I have respectable internet speeds. Not like mps but, you know, 350MB for somewhere between the speeds of 3 minutes to an hour and an half and even when I'm on the faster end of that stick, downloading 14MB on the Playstation takes about a day.

Also, didn't sign. I might sign when I'm at school or something.
I find my internet speed varies....some days it can drag its heels and i mean took me over 6 hours to download 32mb for a littlebigplanet update....then the ungrateful sods released another update.

And other days. it can download gigs in about 10 mins. so it swings in roundabouts. i think the local internet speeds should all be the same. i know for a fact that my friend who lives about 45mins walk from my house has almost nonexistant internet. it took him weeks to download an single demo on his ps3.

I didn't sign, tbh if i want to find a loophole in a system....i'll find one when i need to, their not going to stop anyone.
Ever go on VidZone? I don't often but that sonuvabitch is updated more than a 13 year old girl's Facebook status. I've contemplated connecting it up via wire but from what I remember, every time I've attempted it I remember why I haven't done so yet. It's problematic.
Jayme said:
Ever go on VidZone? I don't often but that sonuvabitch is updated more than a 13 year old girl's Facebook status. I've contemplated connecting it up via wire but from what I remember, every time I've attempted it I remember why I haven't done so yet. It's problematic.

Yeah, for it's release day i took a look....and since then its had a hissyfit and basically stuck two fingers up at my attempts to use it....even with an update it will load up....then won't load any pictures or videos so i prefer to add it to the list of crap sony have released which i don't use, currently this is it:

The picture gallery thing = pointless
Vidzone = Useless
BBC IPlayer quick link = Aimless (if i wanted to go online and watch bbc Iplayer...i'd do it via the Internet explorer button)
The PSN store link in the games section.....why bother when its only to the right anyway?

It amazes me Labour have the gaul to try to take away internet when they haven't even made BT get rid of the old telephone lines and replace them with fibre optics.