Back in August, Toei Animation announced that they had green-light a television anime sequel to the hit 1999 series <em>Digimon Adventure </em>to commemorate the series' fifteenth anniversary and today, the official website and Twitter account for the franchise have revealed the first details on what has now been titled <strong>Digimon Adventure Tri</strong>.
Keitaro Motonaga (<em>School Days</em>, <em>Date A Live</em>) is slated to direct the new series, which will feature character designs by Atsuya Uki (<em>Cencoroll</em>). <em>Heaven's Lost Property</em>'s Yuuko Kakihara will also be supervising the series' scripts.
<em>Digimon Adventure Tri</em>'s story is said to focus on the original protagonist Taichi, who is now a seventeen year old attending high school. The series is set to begin broadcasting in Spring 2015.
Keitaro Motonaga (<em>School Days</em>, <em>Date A Live</em>) is slated to direct the new series, which will feature character designs by Atsuya Uki (<em>Cencoroll</em>). <em>Heaven's Lost Property</em>'s Yuuko Kakihara will also be supervising the series' scripts.
<em>Digimon Adventure Tri</em>'s story is said to focus on the original protagonist Taichi, who is now a seventeen year old attending high school. The series is set to begin broadcasting in Spring 2015.