Diablo III - Trailer and Info





Well with Blizzard currently working on Star Craft 2 it appears they have decided to create a new sequel for the insanely popular Diablo series.

Diablo II is by far one of my favourite roleplay games and in my opinion it far surpasses Neverwinter Nights in gameplay as it doesn't require you to base a game on the idea of dice rolls which can be over complicated when trying to work out which weapon is more powerful or which armour will keep you alive longer. Infact after watching this trailer I found myself with the urge to replay Diablo II so today atw ork I will be downloading the patches for it in the hope that when I get home I can find the install CD's.

Game Info

Two decades have passed since the demonic denizens, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, wandered the world of Sanctuary in a vicious rampage to shackle humanity into unholy slavery. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils directly, the memory fades slowly and the wounds of the soul still burn.

When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. The comet carries a dark omen in its fiery being and it calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells – and even the failing luminaries of the High Heavens itself.

Players will take on the roles of heroes from one of five character classes (only 2 have so far been unvailed, the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor). The games controls have been completely updated with a newly implemented hot key bar allowing you to choose special actions as well as utilising the centre scroll part of the mouse to be used to move through different abilities meaning that you can control the whole game through the mouse and won't need the keyboard as much if at all.


The trailer's graphics alone are stunning but if you take the time to watch the gameplay video, which i recommend as it shows a large area of the game, you get to see just how detailed the environments are and even hoe much of it you can destroy. Bookcases can be torn down, desks shattered and by far the best bit of the walkthrough is the destruction of a wall allowing it to smash down and crush a group of zombies below it.



Heard about this when Blizzard started their "rumour screens" last week, my friend will be estatic about this probably, since he was a huge Diablo 2 fan and kept trying to talk me into buying it just so he would have someone to play online with (or someone to kill, i'm guessing the latter)
BlackWolf said:
Heard about this when Blizzard started their "rumour screens" last week, my friend will be estatic about this probably, since he was a huge Diablo 2 fan and kept trying to talk me into buying it just so he would have someone to play online with (or someone to kill, i'm guessing the latter)

When they started doing the teaser screens, they really made it looks more like the image that was progressively being added to was for the next WoW expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, what with it looking like it was ice, then the last day it was updated and it was diablo 3. Still this looks to be good, i've yet to actually have a go on Diablo 2 either, but there we go.