Details Realised About 'PiQ' - ADV's Newtype Replacement

Well, that's a small sign that ADV aren't dead...
I don't think it'll be a good replacement for Newtype, though, it seems to include too much variety and isn't specialist enough.
Ryo Chan said:
why change the name though, Newtype sounds so much better than PIQ

ADV can't afford to license the title "NewType" anymore, so they're making PiQ their replacement.

Cheeky said:
I'm concerned it's going to lose it's 'Japanese' feel...

Yeah, I'm not too happy that it's losing it's focus on Japanese entertainment, but I suppose they have to do that to broaden the appeal of the magazine.
Definately not a good name change, much prefer the Newtype title to Piq. Plus it seems to have lost its focus, by becoming a broader spectrum magazine they are obviously hoping to attract more readers but I feel that this will in time alienate some of its more devoted fans who buy it for the japanese news they crave.
McIcy said:
Definately not a good name change, much prefer the Newtype title to Piq. Plus it seems to have lost its focus, by becoming a broader spectrum magazine they are obviously hoping to attract more readers but I feel that this will in time alienate some of its more devoted fans who buy it for the japanese news they crave.

No one buys magazines for "news" anymore. The internet reports news much, much quicker. People buy magazines for reviews and editorials because they can't really compete with the internet - offering free news, reviews and editorials at a much quicker pace than print. It's no wonder that ADV are broadening their appeal.