State Alchemist
Wait, so unless every single character in a story is fully developed, explained and their story nicely tied up that's somehow "destroying storytelling"? Are there not, in almost every single story ever told, minor players and previous experiences in the lives of the characters who a story actually focuses on? Mayu's mother and step-father were part of her larger story, and though they may have had a major impact on her, they were still only minor characters in the story. They didn't really need or deserve any further screen time - There was nothing else we needed to know about them other than that they were terrible people (for reasons unknown and unimportant) who, at least during the time in which the story takes place, apparently got away with doing some terrible things. While that might not exactly be uplifting, nor can it be said to be unrealistic. Perhaps they were brought to justice, perhaps not. If it's storytelling you're interested in, is the conclusion of their story remotely important? I don't think it is. It's made pretty clear that Mayu won't have any further dealings with them nor they with her. From that point on what happens to them is entirely unimportant from her POV (since she holds neither any love for them nor any thoughts of revenge) and because she is the major character and they aren't, it shouldn't be important to the audience either.ConanThe3rd said:I would have liked anything to have happened with the parents, really. Nothing happens with or to them, a big fat load of zip...
For, you see, they were not characters but Plot People. Concepts (In this case Extreme Child abuse and complete abandonment of parenting) that take human form only to become not emotionless alien replicants but unresolved plot threads that crumble into dust upon completion of their horrific task to take over and destroy the medium of storytelling.
The dub wasn't an issue for me as I watched it subbed (and it's been a little while so I can't recall any specific dialogue problems - but I won't deny that they may have been existent). What was your issue with the violence? I wouldn't have imagined it would bother someone so stridently anti censorship as yourself.