Design a MaMoo t-shirt and win a limited edition print run


Ghost of Animes
We have received word of a new competition recently announced by a trio of companies looking to find the latest and greatest in Asian-influenced t-shirt design.<ul class="menu">"MaMoo, Letraset and NEO magazine will be accepting competition entries comprised of original Manga inspired artwork designed specifically for printing onto a t-shirt. The winner will be chosen after April 1st 2007. The winner will receive a Limited Edition print run of their artwork onto a MaMoo t-shirt. They will also receive a Manga set of the brand new TRIA markers from Letraset. These stylish new markers are the highest quality on the market and are truly a designers core tools."

"Original artwork submissions can uploaded to the following sites: – upload via the forum – upload via the forum – upload via dedicated competition page"

"There are no restrictions on the number of designs that can be submitted by one person."</ul>