Dennou; Coil Available from Apple's UK iTunes Store

Genkina Hito

The 2007 science fiction anime television series Dennō Coil is available from Apple&rsquo;s UK iTunes Store. Owners of Apple products such as iPod, iPhone Touch and iPad, can now download a 15.5MB app called Cyber Coil from <a href="">Apple&rsquo;s UK iTunes Store</a>. The app contains staff, character and episode information as well as allowing the purchase of episodes.
The year: 202X, our near future. Internet-linked eyeglasses called &ldquo;cyber specs,&rdquo; equipped with powerful augmented reality features, put a world of information and a vast selection of apps at users&rsquo; fingertips anytime, anywhere. Naturally these devices are a must-have item for kids, who vie with each other to enhance their specs with the coolest home-brew software &ldquo;gear.&rdquo;
In this future world, two girls&mdash;both named Yuko, but with starkly different personalities&mdash;are caught up in an expanding mystery that draws them deep into cyberspace itself, where a riddle is waiting that links them in ways they could never have imagined..
Animated by Madhouse, the 26 episode series comes complete with English subtitles and episodes are priced at &pound;1.79 each.
<a href="">Source</a>
I was actually going to post this up last night before i went to bed, but i completely forgot about it. This is great news however. The only problem i have, however is that A. i lack an iphone and B. i lack itunes, unless you can get them on itunes regardless?
You can access the App Store via iTunes, but unless the episodes themselves are on iTunes (which I suspect they are) you won't be able to buy them. You can't use App's without an iDevice. Fantastic show.
Well this is annoying, one of the few times I actually wish I had a ipad or iphone or something similar. I assume this show isn't getting any other kind of release over here?