Demonj007 has arrived!


Brigade Leader
Hey im new here and although i have already made two post elsewhere i still figured that i should say hello to all and introduce myself.

My names Jonny im 17 and from London I have been into anime since last summer but only seriously been getting into it in the past months. I own the Final Fantasy Unlimited TV series in single DVD's phases 1-7End (excluding phase 2 i downloaded that) and just brought the 3disc case to avoid clutter and will sell the phases soon. So please if anyone wants them, email me and i will put them on ebay at a "Buy Now" Price of £6.00 plus a £1 p&p maybe even less each.

I saw a preview for Last Exile on the FFU extras and have since brought the entire collection and have gone through 2 of the 3 discs now and i am thoroughly enjoying it!

I have also brought Ghost in the Shell GIG 1 entire series which i cant wait to watch and have also brought Akira which i got this morning, if you look in my thread in the anime discussion i go into a little more depth about my purchases, well i hope to learn from you anime fans and i hope i make a valued contribution to the forums.

Jonny AKA Demonj
Welcome to the forums. I didn't really like FFU much, my bro bought(why's everyone keep saying brought instead of bought?) it so I'm glad I didn't waste my money, lol.
hi and welcome to the forums, i started my anime collection with FFU...then i moved on to stuff like .hack(which i need more DVD's off) and FMP!...anyway..enjoy your time here
Hi Demonj! Welome to the forums :D
I have only seen about 10mins of FF:U, not enough to really know it. Is it any good? I've heard its nothing like the beloved games, which is a bit of a shame....
I have to admit for seasoned Anime watchers FF:U would definiately not satisfy your time to watch an entire series however there are cool characters and the story holds well despite not being very deep but as a newbie it was easy to watch and also had elements of the final fantasy games which is what drew me to it in the first place. These elements come in the forms of the characters and the enemies but apart from that it did shy away from the game series.

So i would say if you are a fan of the series or new to anime, watch it or are slightly younger do so also but apart from that snap it up only if you have nothing else.

Now im off to finish the last 5 episodes of Last Exile! :D

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