Death Note Talk


Stand User
For my GCSE in English language i've got to do a formal talk and because i gave up on thinking of anything important to do i decieded on~ DEATH NOTE!!

Basically i was wondering if anyone here whos read [or watched] it would have any ideas of points i could mention. It can be no longer than 5 minutes so i'm not going into too much depth but i thought i'd enlist the help of the anime and manga community. It can be anything relevant to Death Note~ why you like it [i'm not very good at reviews], why its interesting, points it raises- like why it was banned in China, etc.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
Mention that it's taking the anime fandom by storm and that a lot of people take it far too seriously, thus as you said the Death Note cases and that murder in France with the "Watashi wa Kira desu" thing.
Mention the awesome concepts of it, but also mention that there was something similar to the note book of death that preceeded it with that one-shot manga in the late 70s, IIRC.
Certainly a lot you can talk about in terms of morality. It could be interesting to explore how Light's take on justice strays over the line of reasonable to plain psychotic.
For my GCSE in English language i've got to do a formal talk

I remember doing something like this last year, but we were forced to do the topic our teacher chose (damn you Mrs Lewis!!). I believe it was on euthanasia.

As for things to talk about; you could certainly talk about Light's take on justice, as Wildcard said, and how the police react to this complex situation.

You could also mention your beliefs/ ideas about the concept of being able to rid "evil" if you had a special power, of sorts, that no one else had.

How Light deals with his rivals (L and N).

You certainly have more guts than I do, I'd never be able to talk about something like this in front of a class for fear of not being taken seriously.
Thanks for the tips. Talking about Light's 'justice' would be a good idea, i think.

One of my friends is talking about Resident Evil and i get to play it while he's talking; so i got no worries about not being taken seriously. Also two of my friends like Death Note and one of them is doing Studio Ghibli. Guess i'm lucky to be in a class with a few manga fans.
Talk about how hawt Light and L are! :p

You could also bring up how the series was received in the Japan ... or the influence of Nietzsche in the series?
^Yeah, I think an analysis of the 'morality' of Light is a good bet; though attmepting to reference the complex thought of Philosophers like Nietzsche might be going too far. Though I would be interested in hearing more of your views CG...
You could get a bit of audience interaction going and ask what others in your class might do with a death note or which use in the manga they feel was the more favourable. But as said before talk about Light and his morality etc