Death Note reaches number one in Japan


Ghost of Animes
Earlier this week it was revealed that the high budget live action adaptation of the extremely popular Shonen Jump manga series Death Note managed to topple the Da Vinci Code in the Japanese box office and impressively took the number one spot. [Trailer]

In lieu of Death Note-mania, the Mainichi Daily News has spotlighted the phenomenal rise of the franchise in Japan, discussing it's mysterious beginnings (much is still unknown about it's debutant writer Tsugumi Oba) and goes onto introduce the general premise of the story.
Pretty cool this movie toppled Da Vinci Code; I think I'm going to give in and check out the manga. It looks and sounds too good.

It's interesting how the author of Death Note is so mysterious too :)
I'll probably get it, somehow. The manga to me was a snoozefest, I prefer the typical shounen type. It has its highs and lows, I just want to see the actor of Nanahara Shuya again as Raito. T_T
While large numbers of butts on seats doesn't necessarily mean a good film (I'm assuming that the fundamental laws of cinema marketing apply to Japan just the same as anywhere else) my expectations of this film continue to grow. Hopefully, good box office performance will encourage the distributors to sell the film abroad sooner rather than later.

I've said this a zillion times before but the manga is an excellent read. It's nothing like the standard SJ sort of stuff - intelligent, tense and engrossing. Great source material for an enjoyable film really.
i agree with ''ConcreteBadger'' on his comment. ''It's nothing like the standard SJ sort of stuff - intelligent, tense and engrossing. Great source material for an enjoyable film really.''

Death Note is just really good.
and btw, im listening to the Death Note Movie OST, and so far it sounds kinda good. (some of the tracks sound similar to Resident Evil 4), when enemy's come at you and the music goes all suspence, and creepy style.
good stuff.