Dead or Alive 4 for Xbox 360

i heard...some other news..not so sure..but...apparently....the spartan is mean't to be female...also i need to check the news..for..more details..., it is due out on the 9th of december here, that means that it is released a week after the 360. so it means yet another week to wait for the game..and oh is a female spartan that is in it. named Spartan 468 i think it was
well...from what i can guess..they never actually where on the PS2 all the time...they where a mox..both Dreamcast and PS2, they must have thought that the Xbox would be a good console to stick with and done so
Well, since I've had all the other games in the series (Except DOA1) I'll be getting this too. Good games.

Vash said:
Arbalest said:
i heard...some other news..not so sure..but...apparently....the spartan is mean't to be female...also i need to check the news..for..more details...

Its a female spartan form the books

Like Samus? ;)
samus? lol, is a female spartan, i haven't read the books though so i dunno that much about what they say. i watched the video clips of DOA4 and they are great. there is a bunch of new moves for every character so that means it may take time to master the characters again.