Dark Horse to release a new Clamp series in 2009


Death Scythe
But with a twist. The series will be released simultaneously with the Japanese release in 80-page mangette books, three of these making a tankubon.

The series will be an original CLAMP creation.

This sounds exciting. Of course this is for the American release as well ;).

This is to give a taste of how Japan gets its manga. Very interesting stuff indeed.

Source/Press Release
DaNiMe said:
CitizenGeek said:
Yeah, very cool! Pity it's CLAMP though =(

Woah woah woah! What's wrong with CLAMP !?

Yeah I like CLAMP as well. Especially their artwork style. Code Geass wouldn't be the same without it.

Mentioning that. I need to buy me some more manga.
Ramen89 said:
Tsubasa Chronicles was enough to put me off any future CLAMP series I must admit.

The likes of Clamp's older series such as X, Card Captor Sakura, Rayearth, Chobits, etc, have never tickled your fancy? (I do hope that was the right way to say that phrase :/ ).
No, don't get me wrong, the older series were good, but Tsubasa just doesn't give me much hope for future CLAMP i must admit.
Ramen89 said:
No, don't get me wrong, the older series were good, but Tsubasa just doesn't give me much hope for future CLAMP i must admit.

I don't think the members in Clamp will ever change. It's made up of four women, and I don't see them splitting or leaving or doing whatever for .. ever.. probably... until they get old and senile... I think they've got as much chance of creating a new and original story as they ever did.
I also found out that ones of the members is called Mokona. I love that, I would love to name a character after myself if I was in an anime/manga : o

EDIT: I know that wasn't exactly what you meant, but it somewhat answers the comment o_O
Ramen89 said:
No, don't get me wrong, the older series were good, but Tsubasa just doesn't give me much hope for future CLAMP i must admit.

I think you're the first person I've come across who doesn't like the series!

But on topic..It sounds interesting! ( But so far away! 2009? D: )
Sami said:
I think you're the first person I've come across who doesn't like the series!

You need to talk to more people then :D
I thought it started out alright but ended up just getting incredibly repetitive and boring.
1. Land at new, unusual world.
2. Sakura wanders off.
3. Lee goes after her.
4. Some fairly boring fighting ensues.
5. They get a feather (can't remember if thats what it was they were looking for but I think they were feathers...)

That was about it.
CLAMP is ok, probably the first manga series i read was Chobits. And there are several CLAMP series that have been translated into anime that i enjoy alot.
I like the sound of receiving something at the same time as the Japanese, but i must admit CLAMP manga doesn't fill me with quite the same relish as it used to
Hmm, what I read of CLAMP, I didn't really like. Still need to check out xxxHOLiC, though. I just wish the first simultaneous manga was from someone else is all!
Brilliant I am a fan of Clamp creations so will definately look into this, and although somew of there series do get very samey as they run on its never dire enough for me to turn off and stop watching them.

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