Customs-friendly places

ayase said:
I have had import charges on stuff from Caiman before, along with other Amazon sellers and US Amazon.

But then the customs people look for me by name now, I think.
That's a shame. Can Marketplace sellers not mark items as gifts (and use other means of avoiding charges) if requested? It has been mentioned earlier that some stores still do such things.
Zin5ki said:
That's a shame. Can Marketplace sellers not mark items as gifts (and use other means of avoiding charges) if requested? It has been mentioned earlier that some stores still do such things.

Marking it as a gift does not exempt it from customs charges. It just means you've got a £36 limit rather than £18.

Plus if its coming from a retailer marked as gift they may well charge you the full amount.

The best way is to have the value marked down but if it goes missing the insurance is based on the indicated value, so you could end up out of pocket.
Regarding PLAYUSA has anyone had an item despatched by them which when ordered had availability of : Temporarily out of stock? I have noticed quite few titles never changing from Temporarily out of stock for months on end.
Dave said:
Regarding PLAYUSA has anyone had an item despatched by them which when ordered had availability of : Temporarily out of stock? I have noticed quite few titles never changing from Temporarily out of stock for months on end.

I am sure I have had stuff sent that was 'Temporarily out of stock'. I think sometimes it is they just order it from suppliers as and when needed, and other times it is due to messing up of release dates. So you might just have to take a chance.
With PlayUSA I do always get the item when it's showing as Out Of Stock; it often takes a long time though.

IT's because they don't update release dates when they change. Wolf's Rain Collection's release date was delayed from February to April, and rather than just change the listing, they marked it as out of stock after February...
I have had ago at ordering an out of stock item from them, I expect a long wait :D. I noticed something like wolf rain have the wrong released date, but its a bit worrying when you see long deleted Geneon title like 3x3 eyes as only Temporarily out of stock. :p
They don't carry bootlegs at Play (UK PlayTrade scum aside); they're just ridiculously disorganised.

I doubt 3x3 Eyes in its original form will resurface but you never know...
