Competitions are back!


The Boss
By popular demand, competitions are back!
Our first of many competitions to come is offering copies of the amazing book by Jonathan Clements, <b><i>Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade</b></i>.
We are offering copies for the creatives ones. Send us your banner or your funny story for the chance to win a copy.

<a href= ""> Check the rules out!</a>
Okie, I'm bumping this thread just to make sure people have seem this.

Also, I need to remind everyone that it's not only and art competitions. You can submit your funny story or simply a joke anime related.

Good luck everyone!
Since it's our first competition under current management, this lazy forum admin will up the ante - impress us with a particularly high quality entry, and you'll get an extra prize on top of the book. We'll let you have a custom title on the forums of your choice (within the bounds of decency obviously). It's been requested a few times as a feature so show us how much you really want it with hard work and guts ;)

This competition is now closed. We were pleasantly surprised with the quality of the entries we received and we wanted to give prizes for everyone, but unfortunately, we only had three books. So, as a token of our gratitude for participating in the first competition of Anime UK News in its new administration, we thougth we could give custom titles for the top three and to the runner ups as well.

And the winners are:


The runner-ups:

The winners can pm / email chaos with their address and choice of a custom title. If prizes are not claimed in ten days, a runner-up will receive the book instead.
Congrats to all the winners! I was impressed by the diverse, fun entries and you all deserve your prizes. I can't wait to see all the new banners in rotation on the site!

I hope the custom titles people come up with aren't too scary...:)

Yay, i'm so happy, i can't believe i actually won!
I have given no thought to what custom title i would ask for, so i'm going to have to start thinking :eek: !