Coming Soon from Revelation Films...


Completely Average High School Student
Incredibly awesome.

Only Moon Phase for me though, got all the others R1.

EDIT: Stealing Trinity Blood, Basilisk, Speed Grapher and Samurai 7 from MVM and getting all the starter sets wouldn't be a bad idea : D
This really is a new era for UK anime fans. I bet UP1 can't be too happy about this.

I nearly bought the Mushi-shi starter set last week. Glad I hesitated as I'll gladly wait for the R2.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
I might get Mushi-shi. I have no idea what it's like but i've heard people raving about it.
As I seem to recall you saying you liked Kino's Journey and Haibane Renmei (correct me if I'm wrong here) you'll probably enjoy Mushishi.

I'm planning on picking up Beck and KimiNozo too.

Edit: -

Citizen Geek said:
What's Mushi-Shi like?
Copypasta from the last time someone asked me -

Mushishi is about as close as a series can get without me saying it's a masterpiece. First off, the artwork is very realistic - not the most detailed or breathtaking, but the palette, the uses of greens and greys really brings to the forefront the dominant theme of nature. This strong artwork is seen in the character designs too, although here it almost works against itself, characters soon becoming indistinguishable from one another - with the exception of Ginko, the lead, whose character design and startlingly bright eye mean he is often the focus of every scene he's in. The lack of significant differences between other characters becomes somewhat of a moot point, however, as each episode is a self-contained story - Ginko is the only constant. And it is this point which leaves it just short of being a masterpiece for me - the story. While the individual episodes tell fascinating stories, they all effectively tell the same one, and there is no overarching story to give any momentum to the series. Still, to be imaginative enough to keep retelling a similar story in each episode, and for each episode to still keep me just as enthralled as the last, is quite a feat.
Rumbiling Hearts and Beck eh? Wow, these are going to be the first UK dvd's I've bought in an incredibly long time, congratulations Revalation :D
I'm rather confused as to the idea of the STARTER sets having volume 2 but otherwise (Tsubassa excluded as that show is a weak adapation of the manga) everything seems ok.
Conan-san said:
I'm rather confused as to the idea of the STARTER sets having volume 2...
Despite not technically making sense as far as being a ‘starter set’, it’s a fantastic idea. Saves paying extra for the art-box to then decide you don’t want to continue buying the series. Allowing you to get the first volume to see if you like the series at the basic price.
People, don't bother with Tsubssa, it's a horrid series and shows just how crap Bee Train can be if they try to fit .hack'ness into things that arn't .hack.

Seriously, you'd save yourself a bundle just geting the manga instead.