Co-op games


Student Council President
Hey guys, I wanna probe yer brains for a bit. Me and me housemates would like a game that can be played co-operatively with four people. Doesn't really matter the kind of game or the format (between us we've got two of everything), but it'd be great if you could system link Xboxes or Thrixties, and have two on each. We've played Gears of War, Unreal Tournament 2004, Operation Global Storm, but fancy something fresh. Anyone got any ideas?
Yeah I can recomend Perfect Dark Zero too,

Also maybe games like Battlefield 2 / 2142, they are great if you have a friend with you and you are in the same squad, and you have mics.

My friend and I are always making squads with people online and then ordering them about, its just great fun with somone sitting next to you at the same time.
Co-Op games?

Halo 1&2 maybe? The Timesplitters trilogy perhaps? The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers & The Return Of The King? Not sure if Far Cry: Instincts possesses any form of CO-Op pay (maybe through its online facilities)? :)
The recent X-Men games are 4 player co-op, Brute Force on Xbox it's not a very good game but alright in 4 player plus it costs nothing now, Conflict Desert Storm 1 & 2 are pretty good Co-op but only 4 player on xbox i think also i wouldn't bother with any other conflict game. Gaunlet games are 4 player but only remotly any fun in 4 player even then not that good. thats about all i can think of.
Co-op Doom is always good for a bit of a retro laugh. Can't you get over Live Marketplace, or dredge up some old PC copies or even the ancient PSOne version? Co-op games were always a bit thin on the ground, and all the examples I can think of are really quite old (Unreal, System Shock 2 + Patch, Serious Sam, Sven-Coop for Half-Life). Thinking about Doom III, the xbox version allows coop, may only be two players though.
Karmatwisted said:
I can't wait for sven co-op on the source engine
Which is a shame that we'll bloody well have to wait no matter how much we can't! It really does surprise me that a competant co-op mod for source hasn't emerged yet...
Yeah well, I guess thats the deal with mods they are kind of done as fast as the team feels like, but I'm not complaining I'm still glad that it's being worked on and will eventually be released.

Im looking been looking forward to Sven co-op 2 and Natural Selection 2 for some time now
hopeful_monster said:
Star Wars Lego games are co-op. while 2 player only (i think), it is great fun to watch.

I'm disgusted with myself that I failed to mention that. I no longer have respect for myself (not that I had much to begin with!). :lol: