Cheapest Place to import the Dragon Box?

Jayme said:
Yeah, BD HD is a dead format, ain't it? Yeah.

Nope, Blu-ray is the way forward, though HD-DVD is a dead format. HD is noticably better than SD because it is a higher resolution and a higher frame rate. My point is that if the only visual differences with the Dragonboxes are minor noise and slightly different colours which some may say make it more 'proper' but which you wouldn't actually know the 'properness' of unless you'd actually witnessed the original airing in Japan with which to compare. Furthermore, not everyone has their TV colour/contrast/brightness settings the same, so any 'properness' of the colours could well be lost by the deviations of your own TV settings from the 'proper' settings.

The Dragonbox sets look good & I would recommend them over the orange boxsets unless they are significantly more expensive, but to be elitist about colours and even something as petty as leaving in an imperfection like noise is just daft.
Seriously, you (as in quite literally you, Mutsumi) either care about the issue greatly (in which case you would continue to post long responses, almost daring me to reply again, when I've so far been about as generic and impersonal in my replies as possible) or don't care (which would back up your "don't get your panties moist about it" comment) and will stop posting about it. I know which one you've been doing so far, despite claiming the other.
Read it. They quite clearly dislike the season sets, & some of their criticisms of them are false, as I have found out from watching the season sets. I do not disagree with the fact the Dragonboxes are better, but they are not a holy golden orgasm by comparison. They are no more than a special edition by comparison, & anyone who is picky about such minor details of colour, noise, etc, must spend most of their lives being disappointed by minor things like that.