CCS on Blu-ray :)



Well considering ayase was on about GiTS on blu-ray, i've heard some news of CardCaptor Sakura getting a re-release on blu-ray around about the end of March to late June. This is of course the Japanese release, with both Clow/Sakura card sets respectively

CCS Blu-ray

Can't say much about CCS apart from that i remember watching the butchered TV series ages ago on CITV. though regardless of that, i still found it a fascinating series, compared to the franchising Pokemon and before the events of Tenchi screening on the Sci-Fi channel. To it, the first shoujo series that is still admirable.

anyhow the animation was flawless for the period it was produced and hopefully the upscaling will make it more elegant
Wow, great news... at least for Japan.

I love Cardcaptor Sakura, and I'm unashamed to say so. 8)

Hopefully this means we'll get a shot at it, as I don't think it got released in Britain.
Gundam Junkie said:
Wow, great news... at least for Japan.

I love Cardcaptor Sakura, and I'm unashamed to say so. 8)

Hopefully this means we'll get a shot at it, as I don't think it got released in Britain.

it did, but only on the rubbish 4kids vhs like sailor moon
If this had come out last year, I'd have been all over it. At this year's exchange rates "no chance" springs to mind.
that's about 700 quid for the whole series. I love CCS, but this price is so ludicrous. I could buy more anime than I could possibly watch this whole year with that sort of money.
Well i'm sure people know but these are prices of ones that are RAW, but i thought i'd suggest it, since as Gundam Junkie well pointed out that there may be a greater likely hood of seeing it re-printed, and hopefully over our shores
Mm... I'm not convinced. How much popularity does CCS retain over here/America? Even in Japan this is only going to be a time limited print run (admittedly for a year, I think).
see again i really don't know. there's only one way to go about it and thats field research.

In other words, just ask a bunch of random people what they think of it
If decently priced, I would definitely buy the bluray discs as I have a story with CCS. But, 700 quids? no way dude.