Case Closed and Heroman trailers


The Boss
The official website for the anime films based on Gosho Aoyama's Detective Conan manga has begun streaming the second 30-second teaser <a target="_blank" href="">trailer</a> and the full 95-second <a target="_blank" href="">trailer</a> for Detective Conan: The Lost Ship in The Sky on Saturday. Conan, a brilliant detective trapped in a child's body, will face his rival Kid the Phantom Thief (Kaitō Kid) in the new film. The 14th film in the franchise will open in Japan on April 17.
The official website for Tamon Ōta's manga version of BONES and Stan Lee's Heroman project has <a target="_blank" href="">opened</a> with a 90-second trailer of the television anime. The first compiled book volume of the manga will ship on March 20, while the anime will premiered in Japan on April 1. The story follows a boy named Joey who discovers a toy robot in Center City on the west coast of the United States. The toy becomes Heroman, a giant robot that Joey pilots against the mysterious Scrag beings invading Earth.
<a href="">From <a href="">ANN</a>
That Heroman trailer is on YouTube, btw. And if that song is the OP, its totally epic. Weird mixture of Japanese and American sensibilities thrown together looks potentially interesting.. Hopefully it will have a lot of Engrish.