C4 website clips Akira, Ghost in the Shell & Ninja Scrol

It's great seeing these old movies - especially Ninja Scroll and Akira. That motorcycle scene at the beginning of Akira is still as stunning now as it must have been then... such amazing animation. And well Ninja Scroll - Jubei kicks proper ass :)
A boxset of the thre, might have to invest in this, almost bought the Akira boxset this week as its in Virgin sale for £6 but didn't have my wallet with me at the time
You'd think seeing these clips would have made me feel nostalgic and watch one of the three movies... but now i wanna watch Jackie Chan's Police Story.
I already have all 3 movies on DVD. In fact I've got Akira on video twice (I was given the dub VHS and sub VHS with Production Report as a christmas present IIRC), the original Manga UK 2002 DVD release (with dubtitles) and the US 2 disc release from Pioneer (before they became Geneon)