Buying Your Animes and Stuff!


Pokémon Master
You need money, yeah? Got some anime, manga or other cool stuff you don't want anymore? Cool. Sell it to me :3

Why should you sell it to me? Because 1) I'll give you a better price than CeX and 2) You love me.

If it's on the following list, cha-ching. I'll definitely buy it. (I'll add more stuff later, if I start loving something and can't find the DVDs)

Anime DVDs
Excel Saga
Full Metal Panic
Dragon Boxes v4-7

Non-Anime DVDs
Frisky Dingo Season 2

Uhm.. I'm thinking Gantz? Selling my Narutos and Bleaches, so I need manga to replace them.
Dragon Ball v11-16 (Gollancz versions)

I'll also consider buying anything else, as long as I don't have it. Just convince me to buy it and I might do.

This is strictly personal. I'm not trying to make money off anything, just buying stuff I can't find elsewhere.