Bootlegs from Amazon?!?!?!


Completely Average High School Student
Hey guys,

I just received some aniticipated anime from amazon (not directly, from the marketplace) and discovered it was a bootleg?! This is the first time i have received a bootleg copy off of amazon! I didn't think that it were legal? Have any of you received bootlegs off of amazon?!

Amazon doesn't check every item the marketplaces ship out so a lot of shops say they have a real copy of this or that then send you a fake. Since anyone can become a Zshop seller with a little effort there are many chances for dodgy items to ship out before Amazon catches up with the bad ones.

Leave them bad feedback, and demand a full refund. If they refuse file a claim with Amazon (file a claim even if they don't, too, you want them closed down if possible to stop others suffering!).

I recommend always carefully checking the item description and all seller feedback, just like Ebay. There are some companies who sell on Amazon who are known to be extremely reliable (Caiman, Caiman-Bargain and Secondspin for example) but a lot of the smaller ones are just thieves as you've unfortunately discovered.

As I have come to understand it, the Marketplace is relatively safe if you're buying singles, as the bootleggers don't tend to pirate individual volumes, but be very suspicious about collections. It's those, along with feature films, that are frequently sold illegally.

If in doubt, ask the seller to describe the packaging and contents, and be sure to look out for the tell-tale signs when reading their descriptions. Some sellers don't actually know they're selling illegal produce, and others are in full knowledge of their crimes but remain indifferent.
More importantly, if the price looks too good to be true, it probably is. Rui's advice about feedback is useful as well.
I only buy if more than 95% of the feedback is positive and the shop has over 100 feedbacks.

I also tend to check if amazon sells the item themselves, as this should at least guarantee you're not buying something that do not exist - i.e. Most region 0 anime DVD's.
Thanks for the feedback guys, was really looking forward to my Air Gear collection as well :cry: The merchant claimed it to be a Region 1 DVD, gutted! Im asking for a refund, lets see what happens!
Never fallen foul of bootlegs on Amazon myself, but I've always been wary of it. Like Zin5ki says: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. As tempting as some cheaper options may be, I'll always go for the reliable sellers.