Guess I'd better chip in seeing as my name popped up.
I'm really sorry to hear it fell through for you guys at the Blue Lotus, and you really do have my sympathy on the matter because I can guess how hard its been for you.
Rather ironically about a month before you first posted on the AUKN forums (you know, that not so successful one) myself and a colleague had a similar idea to yours, so I've been spending a fair bit of time trying to make a business model for an "anime cafe" work.
It's a daunting prospect, and so far I haven't found a decent way of making it a self supporting business strategy (and that's even in a major city like Nottingham and having a society of 40 regular members backing it up!!).
I had hopes for you guys since you were able to piggy back the venture on your existing computer store business, as being supported by another more profitable business is the only way I can see something like an anime cafe working (A comic store or internet cafe being the most likely candidates for expansion).
Unfortunately, pretty much everything everyone else on this forum has said so far is true. As even Andrew @ Beez pointed out in his thread, the UK is still one generation behind with anime being mainstream.
The current catchment age range is the mid to late teens, and (no offence to the rest of you guys out there on the forum) its not an age group famed for its spending power. Give it 5 to 10 years and anime on TV going mainstream and it might stand a chance
As regarding getting little help from other forums etc, yeah, I'll say now it's a big problem with the anime community at the moment. The UK anime scene is still incredibly "cliquey" and closed to outsiders. Most people travel in small circles and are wary of people butting in on their turf. I'm even finding some quite strong rivalry between certain groups.
Regardless, some of us know this has to change and are working to that end, it's just a very long uphill struggle and its gonna take time.
gah, lunch breaks too short! Right final word; I hope you don't let this experience jade you too much about the anime scene, and please don't give up the idea of trying again. I still think it's possible to make it work somehow, just got to find out how