Blue Dragon competition


The Boss
For a chance to win Blue Dragon V 1-6 DVD post an anime/manga/otaku related 4koma (comic strip).
Great drawings or stickman, it doesn't matter. The funniest strip wins, regardless of the quality of the art. This competition will run between 21/10 ~ 31/10
As long as the doodles are yours, it's ok to link to 4komas posted before.
I'm glad entries for this are being posted publicly, it would be a shame if we only saw the winning entry. I'm looking forward to seeing what people post. :D
Bringing out the stickmen comics of old :p back when GCSE english was so boring that it required the imagination of two lazy sods :p
Here is my entry, I hope you all enjoy it! :D It covers a topic I'm sure we've all encountered at some point...

It's not a 4koma ¬_¬
But it's something I just whipped up after I finished work and thought I'd post it.
I need to learn how to put stuff in a strip. :roll:

:edit: Picture too big will post once resized.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Who decides the winnar? Mutsumi's has elicited the loudest chuckle thus far. Though I do like ayase's Satoshi Kon strip =)

Awww, thanks. :D

I'm assuming it will be one of two possible ways.

Forum vote, or private decision between staff.

Probably the latter, because forum vote people could argue favouritism. I mean, if unellmay posted an awesome one, would you really vote for it if you didn't like him?

So I'm guessing it will be decided in private by forum staff or maybe even just chaos.

At this point I couldn't begin to guess who I think might win. Whatever the result though, I'm proud of my entry. I've entered the best I could make, so if I don't win, at least I tried well, & made people laugh in the process. :D
Voddas said:
It's not a 4koma ¬_¬
But it's something I just whipped up after I finished work and thought I'd post it.
I need to learn how to put stuff in a strip. :roll:

:edit: Picture too big will post once resized.
Got distracted by girlfriend. :p
Lol @ all

I pity the forum staff who must pick a winner; every one of the entries so far is funny enough to have a good chance in my opinion. Wouldn't be suprised if you could only narrow it down to a few & then had to choose one at random from them.