Black Lagoon

I think it's fantastic, certainly worth a look as long as your not sensitive about excessive violence.

It starts off as something of a pirate fantasy, with a Japanese business man 'Rock' being taken hostage by a group of pirates/mercenaries/odd-jobers - the Lagoon company. Basically from there on it's about how he becomes involved with the underworld and the darker walks of life.

The earlier episodes seem to opt for absurdity and black humor, but it's the the ones in the second series which really shine. The tone gets a lot darker and the characterisation hits high gear.

I few complaints I've heard are that it's too episodic and that there's a lack of central narrative running through it (so far). Frankly, I didn't care. The themes and individual stories are so gripping that I was never bothered once. I was too interested in how Revy, Rock and the other character's relationships evolved to feel bored.

Oh, and did I mention how the animation and music are all top notch?

Anyhow, rant over :)
it's supposedly has the same vibe as Cowboy Bebob, though im unsure of it myself since i havn't watched it yet, but looks quite interesting
Black Lagoon isn't one of my favourite shows, but it's undeniably entertaining and the writing is surprisingly intelligent. Its main strengths line in two areas: the gleefully over-the-top action scenes and the deft characterization. What I find most appealing, though, is that its moral stance is ambiguous; the line between good and bad is never well defined, leaving the audience to make up their own mind. It's a genuinely adult show.
Black Lagoon is friggin' badass man you gotta check it out. Its gotta be one of the more entertaining shows ive seen, and its definatly in my top Anime. I really need to rewatch it too.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Black Lagoon isn't one of my favourite shows, but it's undeniably entertaining and the writing is surprisingly intelligent. Its main strengths line in two areas: the gleefully over-the-top action scenes and the deft characterization. What I find most appealing, though, is that its moral stance is ambiguous; the line between good and bad is never well defined, leaving the audience to make up their own mind. It's a genuinely adult show.

Pretty much sums up the show for me.

Although I will add...

It doesn't have an underlying story arc or aim, meaning that it serves no actual purpose. Normally a series has an endgame - something that the main characters are trying to accomplish, this doesn't have that and I think it suffers for it.
A great modern action show, with no mecha, magic or kids playing soldiers. As has been said it is as over the top as any 80's action flick, but there is something believable in in most of what they do except maybe taking down a helicopter with a torpedo.
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McIcy said:
One of my fave animes love the action and underlying tension between Revi and Rock please let us have a third season :)

They already have a third season planned and in the making, it was few months back, if not more, so no worries there.

As for the series in general, pretty darn good in my opinion so i'd say go give it a try. I will say this much, i would've liked a bit more coverage of Bennys and Dutchs characters, but as the manga is still ongoing(and in a fairly large arc too i might add, you'd probably like it McIcy =p) it may crop up soon enough, and Rock's character is fairly strong anyway so it makes up for it a fair bit.
Arbalest said:
McIcy said:
One of my fave animes love the action and underlying tension between Revi and Rock please let us have a third season :)

They already have a third season planned and in the making, it was few months back, if not more, so no worries there.

:D WOO!! Any idea of a date for release??
Spyro201 said:
Arbalest said:
McIcy said:
One of my fave animes love the action and underlying tension between Revi and Rock please let us have a third season :)

They already have a third season planned and in the making, it was few months back, if not more, so no worries there.

:D WOO!! Any idea of a date for release??

The airing date is still unknown, but i'd expect sometime next year. Maybe not spring, but possibly summer would be my guess.
Tasker said:
It doesn't have an underlying story arc or aim, meaning that it serves no actual purpose. Normally a series has an endgame - something that the main characters are trying to accomplish, this doesn't have that and I think it suffers for it.
I agree to an extent. The final six-episode arc is compelling in terms of both its story and Rock's development, but overall Black Lagoon is character-driven rather than plot-driven.
Arbalest said:
Spyro201 said:
Arbalest said:
McIcy said:
One of my fave animes love the action and underlying tension between Revi and Rock please let us have a third season :)

They already have a third season planned and in the making, it was few months back, if not more, so no worries there.

:D WOO!! Any idea of a date for release??

The airing date is still unknown, but i'd expect sometime next year. Maybe not spring, but possibly summer would be my guess.

Thats not too bad :) :)
I found the final arc of the second season really dragged compared to the previous 2-parters, so in many ways I'd rather see more episodic structure in the third season rather than less. Ideally some kind of subtle thread linking one and two parters together, but if that's not possible avoid dragging out a plot for longer than can be sustained.

Other than that I generally agree with what most people have said - entertaining, delightfully morally grey, and fantatstic character designs and music. And unlike most "guns with girls" shows (which it isn't really, but there's enough similarities to draw comparison) every one of the female characters seems like a badass realistically rather than through the powers of plot and belief-suspension. Especially Balalaika.
If you dont get at least the 1st DVD, I'll punch so many bullets in your a** everytime you go to stand up, it makes you look like a watering can! :p

I kid, but it's seriously a good action-packed/violent anime, which spits on civil society with a great big loogey. The 1st series ending was better than the 2nd, but all-in-all, both series kept you in suspence and boilled you up for the action.

The baddies are the real pieces of art though. You start to get to know the usual crew after a while, but the many baddies that pop up have the most bizzare and freaky backgrounds and characteristics I can remember.
I rated both the 1st and 2nd seasons 7/10. All action, no brains. I thought it was going to go somewhere good at first, maybe even with some in-depth Revy character development, but it turned out to be just another mindless, episodic action series, with the action gradually becoming less and less believable with each passing episode. I lost interest in the action when it became clear Revy could take on small armies armed only with hand guns.

The only reason I kept watching beyond the first 5-6 episodes was Revy - she's ******* hot for a cartoon. All the other characters were wasted, some fading out of the picture (big black guy) as the series went on.
Black Lagoon's primary theme appears to be moral relativism, so no, it's not brainless. Sartre is referenced in the show, and the author clearly demonstrates an understanding of his philosophies and how they relate to his characters' lives. As for character development, Revy definitely changes after she meets Rock. It's subtle, not predictable and sudden as in some lesser works, because she's seen too much.

It's still mostly about the action, of course, but there is more underneath the surface if you care to look.

Also, I strongly recommend that you watch the show dubbed. It well-acted and suitably profane.
I'm not trying to get you to delete all my MAL messages again, but I can't help but find it a little amusing how you bashed Death Note for being stupid, even going into detail about how far-fetched it was, and then try to defend Black Lagoon - a series where a skinny chick in hot pants kills everyone on a neo-nazi ship on her own with hand guns - against people who call it a mindless action series. Although the DN author didn't intend to give any message, staying morally ambiguous instead of attempting to make a clear statement, he/she did still manage to paint a bleak and believable picture of our world, one where many were able to see things that the author supposedly didn't intend for people to see. With Black Lagoon, on the other hand, all I saw was short, generic action stories in quick succession, with no meaning or depth.

There were a few short and empty conversations shared between Revy and the plain lead (Rock?) and that was it. The rest of the series simply involved Revy killing lots of people in completely unrealistic ways. And the short stories that were made for Revy to kill people during were very bad, one even ripping off The Terminator and failing to make it cool. I was hoping for Revy's character to develop like it seemed she was going to early on but, after a decent start, it became apparent that she was going to stay the same and her relationship with Rock wasn't going to progress beyond friendship this century. There was no overarching story, there was no change in Revy's character, Rock was dull from start to finish...there wasn't any depth at all.

I remember you tried to answer me last time this discussion came up with a lengthy blog post someone made to highlight the intelligence of BL. All I'll say to that is that I've seen people do the same on NarutoFAN. Love is blinding.
Aion said:
I'm not trying to get you to delete all my MAL messages again, but I can't help but find it a little amusing how you bashed Death Note for being stupid, even going into detail about how far-fetched it was, and then try to defend Black Lagoon - a series where a skinny chick in hot pants kills everyone on a neo-nazi ship on her own with hand guns - against people who call it a mindless action series.
I'm not "defending" anything. All I'm doing is pointing out that there's more to Black Lagoon than mindless action because, well, there is. And it's the stuff like neo-Nazis and combat maids that prevent it from being one of my favourite series, so there's no contradiction.

I was hoping for Revy's character to develop like it seemed she was going to early on but, after a decent start, it became apparent that she was going to stay the same
And yet in your Death Note review you claim that Light, a 16-year-old boy, is a "complete" character and thus no development is needed. Why does the same not apply to Revy, who's older and gone through a lot more? She clearly lacks even a conscience, so it's unreasonable to expect her to experience dramatic change.

Love is blinding.
So is obstinance.