Black Cat

Thanks to an anonymous forum member*, I've recently began to read Black Cat, and it is another truly fantastic manga.

The undoubted stars are Train (aka Black Cat) and Sven, who have a partnership as Sweepers - basically bounty hunters. It seems to have slight mob undertones, which suit the characters well, and is another supreme example of stylishness that it manages to fuse with an action-packed and intrigue-thriving storyline and clear, enticing characterizations. Once again, it shows the widening growth of the Shounen Jump publicized series from the basic to the more adult, complex and varied - a sure contender for the Shounen Jump Advanced range when Viz release it early next year.

I'm looking forward to seeing what GONZO make of it.

*the one with the Black Cat avatar
I wonder who that mysterious person is.
Anyways, Black Cat is great, everyone should read it, GONZO will probably ruin it, thats my views :lol:
At the moment, the art is reminding me of Death Note, realistic and slighty gritty, and not without slightly bishounen characters, while the story puts me in mind of Fullmetal Alchemst in it's pacing.