Bit of help.


Thousand Master
Hey peoples.
Just wondering about something.
Today when I was strolling the manga section of borders by eye fell on a manga with some beautiful cover art.
Having picked it up I thought it sounded intruiging enough to buy.

Just wondering does anyone hold it in high stead.Havint read it yet but will soon.

Would be interesting to hear your thoughts. :D
Ive read half so far and its fairly good
Nothing amazing.
But still unusual story.
Heres a general overview.

Kia Asamiya's Junk: Record of the Last Hero invokes the long-standing construct of super-powered costume prevalent in both American and Japanese culture. After getting beaten up at school, Hiro has secluded himself and barely ever leaves the confines of his bedroom. Spending his time watching television and surfing the net, he stumbles upon a site that offers an opportunity to win Junk. Not knowing what it is, he enters and soon enough a package arrives. With a manual to guide him, Hiro quickly learns to use the super-powered suit. With its protection, he leaves his house and soon is racing through the streets. After playing the hero for a short stint, he seeks revenge on those who bullied him. However, his actions become less and less altruistic, and another person arrives on the scene with a Junk outfit, looking to keep him in line. The story packs lots of action, but also reveals an interesting psychological profile of Hiro whose inner turmoil bursts at the seams throughout this first book